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State of Legends: Poland

[Editor: the following was sent by contributor Juliusz Horst as part of a series on the state of Legends around the globe. If you live outside North America and would like to share the state of Legends in your country, please write to us at]

Comic books

We have two ongoing series:

1. Egmont's 'Legends Collection':

Publishes classic, well-known tales like 'Shadows of the Empire', 'Dark Empire', 'Tales of the Jedi' or 'Boba Fett'. Runs from 2015 and publishes an issue every two months.

The same publisher runs a parallel series with new Marvel stuff, so it's Legends month, new canon month, Legends month and so on.

Plans for 2018 were revealed and by the end of the year we should get 'Freedon Nadd Uprising', so if nothing changes it doesn't look like Lucasfilm is planning to abandon 'Tales of the Jedi' or stop doing reprints. 2. De Agostini Collection:

After a successful pilot run in 2017 the series started this year and is at its third issue at the moment. First ten issues are said to be classic Marvel from 70s and 80s. New issues are released every two weeks. Novels

Publishing Legends novels pretty much ceased here after publishing rights were moved from Amber ( to Uroboros ( New publisher expresses no interest in releasing any Legends material. Lucky for us Amber was pretty up to date when the rights were taken from them so we only missed a few recently published novels. Young readers stuff was never strong here - we only got Jedi Apprentice 1-7 (yes, missing the last book in Xanatos arc) from Egmont and Young Jedi Knights 1-6 (Shadow Academy arc) from Amber, both published in 90s and 00s.

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