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  • Spencer Crilly

Character Spotlight: Borsk Fey’la

To the general public, Borsk Fey’la was a hardworking politician whose time as the Chief of State of the New Republic was cut too short due to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. To his supporters, Fey’la was a deal maker, always willing and able to make compromises if they served the greater good. Yet, to his enemies, Fey’la was a traitor.

Born to the Alya clan on the Bothan world of Kothlis, the young Bothan recognized early on there was little talent he possessed that could aid him athleticism. He instead worked hard to get into politics as he viewed it as equivalent to power. As soon as he achieved great wealth through many business dealings, Fey’la purchased vast land on Bothawui to solidify his image as a legitimate up-and-comer.

According to the “Bothan Way,” weakness in others should be exploited in order to achieve greater goals. Fey’la used this quite well during his career. He kept undercover until the right moment arrived then he struck without any thought of mercy. Fey’la climebed the political ladder while his rivals fell victim to several manufactured scandals and their own lack of charisma. Other Bothans latched on to this rising star and soon Fey’la had a faction he was able to command. His new goal was to control the galaxy.

At this time, Emperor Palpatine ruled the galaxy with his Galactic Empire, though Fey’la was certain that even he could not rule forever. After the Alliance’s defeat of the first death Star, Fey’la felt he could join the Rebel Alliance.

His Bothan faction gave the Rebellion an edge in espionage and made Fey’la an important figure in the Rebel Alliance. Just prior to the Battle of Endor in 4 A.B.Y. Bothan spies uncovered vital information about the Emperor’s second Death Star. Most of the spies died in this mission and Bothawui’s government lionized them as “the Martyrs.” Fey’la made sure to claim the credit for this, however.

Although this information proved to be bait for a trap, the Bothans sacrifice gained much respect from the

Alliance. After the destruction of the Second Death Star, Fey’la became one of the original eight signatories of the Declaration of the New Republic.

Though Mon Mothma was the council’s leader, Fey’la held much of the influence. He also shaped military strategies for the Trioculus war and the capture of Coruscant.

During the Thrawn campaign, Fey’la felt he could grab power outright, however he had rare moment of failure when he acused Admiral Ackbar of treason and by giving an order to retreat at the Battle of the Katana Fleet.

Disgraced among the New Republic Council, Fey’a unsuccessfully attempted to shore his power base with the Bothan people. For a while, his allies even distanced themselves from him and it would be many years before climbed back up the power ladder. He would begin that ride during the return of the cloned Darth Sidious.

During the Black fleet Crisis, he served as chairman of te Senate Justice Council. The Hand of Thrawn incident could have been devasting for him. Revealing as it did Bothan complicity in the ruin of Caamas, but he positioned this news as “ancient history.”

Fey’la was not pleased when Ponc Gavrisom became the new Chief-of-State following Leia Organa-Solo’s resignation, however he vowed to bide his time. Organa-Solo summed service as Chief-of-State later but ran out her term. Finally, after many years of politics, Fey’a became Chief-of-State in a landslide victory. At last, he ruled the civilized galaxy.

Less than a year into his term, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the Known Galaxy. Scarely believing that a threat of this magnitude could occur during his time of triumph, Fey’la did little to prevent the Vong from conquring areas of the Inner Rim. But as the Vong invaded the Core Worlds he did try to halt their advance. He did not care if the Jedi were left out to fry. However, the Vong invaded Coruscant. He would not allow them to take HIS Coruscant. It was here that Fey’la would die with Nobility as the Vong conquered the New-Republic Capital.

Borsk Fey’las legacy is complicated. Some might say he did what he thought was right. But based on his selfish actions, who will mourn his passing?



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