Mara Jade was born in 17 BBY . Her early life remains largely mysterious, but it is known that she was taken by Emperor Palpatine at a very young age and trained to become one of his most trusted operatives, known as the Emperor's Hand. In this role, she was given specialized training in the Force, combat, and espionage. She operated secretly, executing missions and carrying out the Emperor's will with unwavering loyalty.
As the Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade was an elite enforcer who acted as the Emperor’s personal assassin and spy. She had access to considerable resources and was highly skilled in both lightsaber combat and the use of the Dark Side of the Force. One of her most critical missions was to assassinate Luke Skywalker, the hero of the Rebel Alliance who was responsible for the Emperor’s death.
Following the Emperor’s death at the Battle of Endor, Mara was left without direction. Palpatine's last command, imprinted in her mind, was to kill Luke Skywalker. Without the Emperor's guidance, she struggled with her purpose and sought to carry out this final order, leading her to a series of encounters with Luke. During this time, she worked as a smuggler and eventually became associated with the smuggling organization known as Talon Karrde's group.
Mara Jade's life took a significant turn when she reluctantly allied with Luke Skywalker to defeat the resurrected clone of Emperor Palpatine. Through their partnership, she began to understand the true nature of the Force, moving away from the Dark Side and toward the Light. Her relationship with Luke evolved from animosity and rivalry to mutual respect and deep affection.
After many adventures, in 19 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker were married, solidifying their bond personally and in the Force. Mara became a prominent figure in the New Jedi Order, bringing her unique skills and perspectives to the revitalized Jedi Council. The couple had a son, Ben Skywalker, named after Luke's mentor, Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi.
Mara Jade Skywalker played a crucial role in numerous galactic conflicts throughout her life. She was instrumental in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, a brutal extra-galactic species that invaded the galaxy. Her experience as the Emperor's Hand and her strong connection to the Force made her a formidable Jedi Master and a key leader in the resistance against the Yuuzhan Vong.
Tragically, Mara’s life was cut short during the Second Galactic Civil War. She was killed by her nephew, Jacen Solo (who had fallen to the Dark Side and taken the name Darth Caedus), in 40 ABY. Her death was a significant blow to the Jedi Order and her family, leaving behind a legacy of strength, redemption, and unwavering commitment to justice.