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EU Families: The Shan Family

By: Lance Leibrock

EU Families: The Shan Family In the Expanded Universe, there are tons of big families. These families start off small, but they quickly expand into large families that have an impact over a substantial period of galactic history. The Shan family is no different; the members of the Shan family have been around for over three centuries, and their story is still unfolding. Helena Shan, the first known member of the Shan family, and her husband lived on the world of Talravin, where they had a daughter named Bastila. Bastila was very close with her father, who was a hunter. Her mother, however, not so much. Helena and her daughter never saw eye to eye on much, and Bastila held a grudge against her mother because she believed that she was pushing her father into dangerous hunts so Helena could live in wealth. When the Jedi Order discovered Bastila Shan at a young age, Helena agreed to allow the Jedi to take her to the Jedi Temple for training. As Bastila grew, she became an exceptional Jedi Sentinel, and she would go on to be an integral part of the Jedi Civil War.

At the beginning of the war, Bastila and a Jedi strike team were ordered to board Darth Revan’s flagship and capture the renegade Sith Lord, who was once a powerful Jedi who led the Republic to victory during the Mandalorian Wars. When Darth Malak, Revan’s apprentice, betrayed Revan and launched a bombardment against his cruiser, Bastila was able to keep Revan alive using the Force, and this created a powerful Force bond between the two. Revan was taken to the Jedi Council and his memories were wiped away, and the Jedi Council did this in hopes that Revan would be able to lead them to Malak. While Revan was looking for Malak, he fell in love with Bastila, and the two got married after Malak’s defeat. After their marriage - and when Revan finds out that Bastila is pregnant with their son - Revan goes on a quest to restore more of his lost memories. On this quest, however, he is discovered by the resurgent Sith Empire, and is imprisoned by them for five years, in which he is temporarily freed but then put into stasis by the Sith Emperor for nearly three hundred years. During this absence, Bastila gives birth to her son Vaner Shan. Despite being the son of some of the most powerful Jedi Knights to ever exist, Vaner exhibited no signs of Force sensitivity, and he became a Republic politician instead.

Because of Revan’s imprisonment in the Unknown Regions, Vaner actually never met his father, and he was believed to be dead. Vaner married a woman named Emess and they had two children: Reesa and Bress Shan. Not much is known about them, except that they were the ancestors of Jedi Knight Tasiele Shan, who was born five generations after Vaner. Tasiele Shan was a staunch critic of the Jedi Order’s policies regarding marriage and attachment, so much so that she had a daughter she named Satele. Tasiele was exiled because of her opposition to the Jedi’s policies, and it is unclear what happened to her. However, she had left some notes and other writings behind, which Satele ended up keeping. Satele Shan is one of the more well known members of the Shan family lineage. As a Padawan, she witnessed the Sith Empire’s return into the galaxy, and she served the Jedi Order as a Knight during the Great Galactic War, becoming a hero, and her service is where she would meet Jace Malcolm, a Republic trooper, whom she grew close to. After the Battle of Alderaan, the two would begin an affair that lasted six months, in which Satele would become pregnant. Satele gave birth to her son in secret, and he was named Theron, in which Satele gave him up to the Jedi Order for training. Theron Shan was raised as a Jedi, but he, like his ancestor Vaner, was found to not be Force-sensitive, and he was forced to leave the Order. However, he joined the Republic Strategic Information Service (SIS), and he became the SIS’ best field agent. Theron was so good he infiltrated two Sith-run superweapons, disabled the weapons, and killed the Sith who ran them. Theron would later serve as an integral part in destroying his ancestor Revan, who had been freed from his imprisonment by the Republic.

Revan had threatened to bring back the Sith Emperor, which he unfortunately succeeded in doing, despite Theron’s attempts to stop him. The Sith Emperor came back as the Eternal Emperor Valkorion, in which Theron helped destroy as one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance. As of now, Theron is the youngest member of the Shan family, and it is unknown if he had children later on in life. It is possible that he did, as Star Wars: The Old Republic could eventually reveal that, as the story continues to develop over time. A family that once started out with a crazy mother eventually led to one of the most influential families in galactic history



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