Alui System (O-17)
· Sun/Star: Alui
· Orbits: none
An empty system situated along a regional hyperlane route, Alui housed an Imperial shipyard facility that developed Imperial-class Star Destroyers during the Galactic Civil War.
Cirtappa System (O-17)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Cirtappa
Cirtappa was a remote world that came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War.
Draik System (O-17)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Draik 4
Draik 4 was a remote world that housed a small Imperial repair facility during the Galactic Civil War.
Enarc System (O-17)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Enarc
Located along multiple regional hyperlane routes, Enarc was a major trade world in the region. Historically a Republic world, the planet came under Sith control in 1,004 BBY during the New Sith Wars. Following the collapse of the New Sith Empire a few years later, Enarc returned to Republic membership, eventually becoming a regional headquarters for the Trade Federation.
Enarc joined the CIS at the onset of the Clone Wars and remained a Separatist holdout until the the Galactic Empire conquered the planet during the Galactic Civil War, transforming the planet into an Imperial stronghold.