Amorphiia System (L-16)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Amorphiia
Homeworld of the near-human Amorphiian species, the planet was discovered by Republic scouts in 3,000 BBY. Amorphiia was a nominal member world in the Republic during the Clone Wars, joining the Empire and later the New Republic, during the Galactic Civil War. The system remained relatively untouched during the Yuuzhan Vong War and Second Galactic Civil War, and by 137 ABY was part of Darth Krayt’s “One” Sith Empire.
Ansek System (M-17)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Ansek
Ansek was a remote, forested world that saw little galactic traffic.
Eidoloni System (M-16)
· Sun/Star: Eidoloni
· Orbits: none
A remote, empty system, Eidoloni housed the Imperial outpost DX-11a during the Galactic Civil War.
Hewl System (M-16)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Hewl
Hewl was a remote world of foggy banks and marshes, seeing little galactic traffic.
Nymalia System (M-17)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Nymalia
Nymalia was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.
Wen’he’dinae System (L-16)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Wen’he’dinae
Homeworld of the chimeric avian Cha’wen’he species, the planet was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.