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Writer's pictureMatt Wilkins

Matt Chat: The Continual Hate



Angel Santiago
Angel Santiago
Jan 19, 2022

The Disney Trash Trilogy trashes itself. That's about the only thing good about them. LOL! I don't hate them. Hate is a sentiment, a feeling, something you invest in, something you take time to think about. Exactly what The Disney Trash Trilogy doesn't deserve from anyone. The Disney Worshipers are the true haters, we just love Star Wars and fortunately for us, Disney just owns a name, they don't own our collections. We own True Star Wars. Anyway, new EU?! Where?! Review it! Tell us more!


Magneno Alex
Magneno Alex
Jan 18, 2022

As the ancient saying goes Haters gonna Hate. I'm looking forward to this a ton though. And I luckily still have a ton of Older EU I've never read before to look forward to on top of this


Harry Flores
Harry Flores
Jan 18, 2022

I love these Matt Chats haha. But, yeah, it is strange how some of the fandom is like that. The evidence is clear though: Lucasfilm did give him the go to make it. The emails are all there. I'm excited about it. And with it being some 1000 pages long it should hold us over for a little while. After that, I guess we can continue celebrating all the great content that is in the EU, biding our time until more is made. I still do believe that we should continue requesting Lucasfilm for more EU content. Staying vocal about it is better than doing nothing.


Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson
Jan 17, 2022

I’m not sure Lucasfilm followed through on acknowledging it on Star Wars dot com, but they certainly did according to the emails released. I think the haters initially thought it was low hanging fruit they could attack or discredit. People in the know can see that it backfired on them though. It’s a tough deal because the details are kind of complicated for those not super familiar with it. We just have to keep stay true to the facts.

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