When I first read Dark Empire, I loved it. But I hated the artwork. (or at least I thought I did) Then a buddy of mine (who was a pretty good artist himself) showed me something I didn't realize.
His artwork is amazing.
He did this but only showing black and white photos of his art. I then understood that it wasn't the artwork I disliked, it was the coloring of the comic. The black and whites looked fantastic and immediately changed my mind.
But then my buddy came up with another interesting fact I'd never realized before either...there isn't a single artist that draws like him.
And he's right.
Every artist has a "copy cat" usually but I've never known anyone else with Cam's style.
Of course, Dark Empire wasn't the only thing he drew. The early Boba Fett comics and Jabba the Hut comics carried some awesome artwork as well. If you've never seen it before, I highly encourage you to check it out. It's well worth your time.