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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Albanin Sector

Barab System (U-12)

· Sun/Star: Barab

· Orbits:

o Barab I

o Barab II

o Barab III

§ 34 unnamed moons/satellites

Homeworld of the bipedal, reptilian humanoid Barabel sentinent species, Barab I was a dark, murky, swampy world. Due to its radiation, most creatures native to the planet were nocturnal. Discovered by Republic scouts around 900 BBY, Barab I remained neutral during the Clone Wars, however, came under Imperial jurisdiction until the New Republic drove the Empire from the planet. Barab I would remain a loyal member of the New Republic and Galactic Alliance during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, despite being briefly occupied the extra-galactic invaders.

Neither Barab II or Barab III housed any life, Barab II being a frozen ball of ice and Barab III being a gas giant. Little is known about the composition of the various moons of Barab III.

Clantaano System (U-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o two unnamed planets (presumably Clantaano I & II)

o Clantaano III

Primarily an arid, desert planet, Clantaano III was the homeworld of the bipedal, humanoid Clantaani species. Discovered by Republic explorers shortly after the end of the New Sith Wars, Clantaano bounced back and forth between independence and being a minor world in the Hutt dependencies.

Daluuj System (U-13)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Daluuj

Settled by human colonists around 1,000 BBY, Daluuj became a minor Hutt dependency world for most of its colonial history. Following the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, some Vong resettled on Daluuj, living peacefully, though separately, from the human population. Come the Sith’s return to power under Darth Krayt, his One Sith Empire housed a small garrison on the planet.

Dubrava System (T-13)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Dubrava

A semi-tropical world primarily landscaped with swampland; Dubrava was the homeworld of the green-skinned humanoid Dubravan species. During the Galactic Civil War, Dubrava came under Imperial control, though was a hotbed of recruitment for the Rebel Alliance.

Hidden Tegoor System (T-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Hidden Tegoor

Hidden Tegoor was a remote planet that saw little galactic traffic.

Ord Lonesome System (T-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Ord Lonesome

Originally a Republic ordinance depot world, Ord Lonesome was abandoned by the Republic in 11,057 BBY during its conflict with the Hutts in the Thirty-Fourth Pius Dea Crusades.

Regulan System (U-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Blaudu Octus

o Blaudu Sextus

Blaudu Octus was home to the primitive centaur-like Octusi species, that some would describe as being half nerf and half Ithorian. Primarily a plains world with a temperate environment, Blaudu Octus was a minor world that was neutral for most of its existence.

Blaudu Sextus was an arid, rocky world primarily used as a mining colony, using the pacifistic Octusi species as slaves. The mining company had trade connections with the Galactic Alliance, so when freedom protests erupted on the planet in 44 ABY, Chief of State Daala hired mercenaries to quell the uprising, sparking a Jedi counter-presence.

Riddellia System (T-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Riddellia

Riddellia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.

Sim’char’ser System (U-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Sim’char’ser

Sim’char’ser was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.

Thassalia System (U-12)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Thassalia

Thassalia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.

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