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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Allied Tion Sector

Amarin System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Amarin

A heavily forested world, Amarin was one of the busiest agriworlds in the region. Originally a denizen of one of the local kingdoms before being conquered by Xim’s empire, Amarin remained regionally controlled through much of its history. During the Jedi Civil War and New Sith War, Amarin aligned with the Sith, however, became a member of the Galactic Republic following the Ruusan Reformations that culminated the New Sith War.

During the Clone Wars, Amarin aligned with the Separists, ultimately coming under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Amarin remained neutral, not joining the New Republic, and avoided the devastation of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Come 137 ABY, Amarin had realigned itself with Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire.

Barseg System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Barseg

Originally a major regional planet, Barseg’s dominance in region declined under Xim’s empire. Following the empire’s defeat, and the loss to Republic forces in the Tionese War, Barseg became a minor world in the region. Later, during the Clone Wars, Barseg would join the CIS, but ultimately be subjugated by the Galactic Empire.

Cadinth System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Cadinth

A lush world, Cadinth was one of the dominant kingdoms in the region, retaining its standing under Xim’s empire, when it was one of the imperial throne worlds. Following the Tionese War, Cadinth joined the Republic until the Clone Wars, when it aligned with the Separatists. Following the war, the planet came under Imperial jurisdiction. At some point during its membership in the Republic, Cadinth was rapidly industrialized, destroying its beauty and reducing its ecosystem to vast deserts of black sand.

Corlax System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Corlax 4

A minor world in the region, Corlax 4 changed alignment frequently in its early history before coming under jurisdiction of Xim’s empire. Following the empire’s collapse, and the region’s loss to the Republic in the Tionese War roughly a millennium later, Corlax 4 joined the Republic, remaining a minor industrial world in the region. During the Clone Wars, the planet joined the CIS, becoming a major industrial center for the Separatists. Following the war, Corlax came under Imperial jurisdiction, and the planet returned to being a minor hub in the region.

Desargorr System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Desargorr

§ at least two unnamed moons/satellites

An alpine world teeming with beauty, Desargorr was rich in minerals, attracting many mining operations to the planet. Like most worlds in the Tion Cluster, Desargorr shifted hands many times, coming under control of Xim’s empire early in its history, eventually becoming a Republic world following the Tionese War. Desargorr would align with the Sith Empire three times in its long history: during the Jedi Civil War, New Sith War, and under Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire. During the Clone Wars, and subsequent Galactic Civil War, the planet aligned with the CIS and Galactic Empire, respectively.

Dravione System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Dravione

A mountainous planet, Dravione was a minor agriworld in the region. Through most of its history, the planet remained relatively neutral, only coming under rule by Xim’s empire early in its history, and later under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War.

Embaril System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Embaril

A tranquil world of rolling green hills and serene lakes, Embaril was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.

Jaminere System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Jaminere

One of the major regional powers, and later becoming the sector’s capital, Jaminere was a main industrial and manufacturing hub for the region. Jaminere was one of the primary kingdoms in the Tion Cluster predating Xim’s empire conquering that region of the galaxy. Following the Tionese War, Jaminere joined the Republic, retaining its key role in the region. The planet shifted alignment numerous times, siding with the Mandalorians during their wars against the Republic, allying with Darth Revan during the Jedi Civil War, and seceding to join the CIS during the Clone Wars. During the Galactic Civil War, Jaminere was an Imperial hub for the region.

Jhantoria System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Jhantoria

Initially under control of Xim’s empire, Jhantoria was a minor world that saw little galactic traffic.

Lianna System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: Lianna

· Orbits:

o Devato

o Geminor

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

o Aradian

§ three unnamed moons/satellites

o Lianna

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

o Indinor

§ two unnamed moons/satellites

o Adinai

§ eight unnamed moons/satellites

o Niddion

All but Aradian and Lianna were uninhabitable worlds, with Devato being a scorched rock, Geminor housing a dense poisonous atmosphere, Indinor being a barren wasteland, Adinai a gas giant, and Niddion an icy tundra.

Having a mildly poisonous atmosphere to most aliens, Aradian was a regional manufacturer of repulsorlift technology, attracting Xim’s empire, the Galactic Republic, and eventually the Empire, to absorb the planet into their governments.

An ecumenopolis like Coruscant and Taris, Lianna was a major world in Tion Cluster, sought after, and controlled, by many of the governments from galactic history. Lianna remained relatively neutral in galactic affairs following the collapse of Xim’s empire, eventually aligning with the Sith during the Jedi Civil War and New Sith War.

Lianna became a full member of the Republic in its waning centuries, only to secede and join the CIS during the Clone Wars. In the subsequent Galactic Civil War, Lianna would become a key Imperial world in the region, due to it being the headquarters of Sienar Technologies weapons manufacturers. In 137 ABY, the planet was aligned with Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire.

Lorrad System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Lorrad

Lorrad was a minor industrial world that manufactured tools and light vehicles. Following the collapse of Xim’s empire, Lorrad was controlled locally for most of its history, until it joined the Galactic Republic circa 300 BBY.

Spinax System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Spinax III

An aquatic world teeming with sea live, Spinax was primarily populated by hunters and fishers. However, later in its history, deep sea mining operations polluted much of the oceans, causing many sea creatures to go extinct.

Voss System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Voss

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

A lush world of forests, plains, mountain ranges and oceans, Voss was a remote world, remaining neutral throughout most of galactic history. At some point following the Second Great Schism, the Sith discovered Voss and its inhabitants, the Gormak, a species of reptilian humanoids. The Sith’s mineral extraction eventually attracted the Jedi, and the planet became a battleground between the two forces, with many of the Gormak being radically evolved into the Voss after the Jedi tried to help them wield their power in the Force.

Following the conflict, Voss disappeared from galactic relevance until the rise of the “True” Sith Empire. During Cold War and Galactic War between the Republic and Sith, Voss was rediscovered, and the world was once again central to both belligerent’s campaigns. The Voss and Gormak would eventually end their own hostilities and join the Republic and Sith during their war against the Eternal Empire, being occupied by the Eternal Fleet.

Millennia later, Voss was nothing more than a minor mining world, its importance lost to annuls of time. Little is known of what happened to the Voss or the Gormak come the time of the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. It is unclear if most of their species’ populations emigrated to other parts of the galaxy, while other species immigrated to Voss to counter the population shift. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire tried to expand Voss’ economic significance in the sector to counter Lianna, but with little success.

Xifal System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Xifal (planetoid)

A minor barren world, Xifal was colonized by the insectoid Colicoid species, otherwise seeing little galactic traffic.



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