Andulia System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Andulia
Homeworld of the Andulian species, Andulia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.
Boranall System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Boranall
Boranall was a remote world that came under Sith rule during the Galactic War. In 3,640 BBY, the planet was assaulted by Sith forces following riots breaking out across the planet.
Cavamina System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o unnamed planet
§ Cavamina Minor
Cavamina Minor was an arctic world of snowy forests and plains. Located in a remote part of the sector, the moon remained neutral in galactic affairs.
Doldur System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Doldur
Situated along a major hyperlane route bisecting the sector, Doldur was a minor Republic world until the planet seceded and joined the CIS during the Clone Wars. Following the government’s reconstitution into the Galactic Empire, Doldur became the Imperial capital of the sector.
Druckenwell System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Druckenwell
Situated at the intersection of a major and regional hyperlane routes, Druckenwell was primarily an oceanic world with small continental islands. Most of the islands were industrialized with urban centers built into the marshlands. A major Republic world in the region, Druckenwell was a manufacturing world that was the focus of multiple Sith attacks throughout its history.
Sith forces were unsuccessful at invading the planet in 3,653 BBY, during the Great Galactic War, as well as during the New Sith Wars millennia later. During the Clone Wars, Druckenwell was a proud Separatist world and was a major manufacturing hub for the new government. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Druckenwell was an Imperial fortress world; however, joined the New Republic in the waning years of the conflict.
The planet was momentarily occupied by Yuuzhan Vong forces during their invasion of the galaxy but returned to Galactic Alliance control by 29 ABY. The planet remained in the Galactic Alliance until the rise of Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire, coming under its jurisdiction by 137 ABY.
Falleen System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Falleen
Homeworld of the reptilian Falleen species of humanoids, Falleen was a lush world of jungles, plains, mountain ranges and temperate oceans. Joining the Republic sometime before the Great Sith War of 3,996 BBY, Falleen slowly developed into an industrial world over the millennia. During the Clone Wars, the system secretly aligned with the Separatists, though openly announced their support later in the war.
Falleen was utilized as an Imperial chemical and biological research facility during the Galactic Civil War but declared neutrality once the Empire fell into decline. The planet was occupied by Yuuzhan Vong forces during the war with the extragalactic species, but remained neutral despite attempts to absorb the system into Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire over a century later.
Geridard System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Geridard
A minor planet in the sector, Geridard was a resort and retirement destination for renowned corporate officials. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under Imperial jurisdiction, also acting as a minor medical facility.
Linuri System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Linuri
A minor Imperial world during the Galactic Civil War, Linuri was a temperate world of oceans and vast continents of grasslands, forests, and mountain ranges.
Monor System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Monor II
Homeworld of the amphibian humanoid Sunesi species, Monor II was a minor world in the sector. Landscaped by continents of lush plains and arid plateaus, Monor remained neutral until the Galactic Civil War, when it initially came under Imperial rule. Later in the war, the planet became a member of the New Republic.
Notak System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Notak
Notak was a remote world occupied by Imperial forces during the Galactic Civil War.
Queel System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Queel
Queel was a remote, swampy world that came under Separatist control during the Clone Wars.
Therenor System (P-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Therenor Prime
Therenor Prime was a remote planet that saw little galactic traffic.
Dragonflower Nebula (P-15)
Located in a remote part of the sector, a space station was established in the vicinity of the nebula to mine gas. During the Galactic Civil War, Silver Station secretly acted as a Rebel base to aid the Alliance in the region; however, the station was captured by Imperial forces in 4 ABY.