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Touring the Galaxy: Montitian Grant

Jason Dietzel

Canyon System (J-15)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Canyon

A remote world, Canyon was an arid, mountainous planet with few valleys and lakes for agriculture. Discovered by the Imperial navy in the early years of the Galactic Civil War, Canyon was settled by pirates who used the planet as a mining colony, extracting ore and minerals for the production starships and electronics.


Montitia System (J-15)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Montitia

Discovered in the last millennia of the Galactic Republic, following the New Sith Wars, Montitia was an impoverished world that came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War.


TD-10036-EM-1271 System (J-15)

·        Sun/Star: TD-10036-EM-1271 (destroyed)

·        Orbits: none

An empty system, the star was destroyed by the Centerpoint Station in 18 ABY.



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