Cataalda System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Cataalda
§ one unnamed moon/satellite
Cataalda was a remote world of forests, oceans, mountain ranges, and plains. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet hosted a Rebel Alliance outpost until 2 ABY, when Rebel forces abandoned the post after Imperial forces were alerted to their presence.
Elriss System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Elriss
Elriss was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic. During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial troops momentarily occupied the world, but left following no signs of Rebel activity.
Grakouine System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Grakouine
Grakouine was a remote world that supported the Rebel Alliance – and later the New Republic – during the Galactic Civil War.
Lahsbane System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Lahsbane
§ two unnamed moons/satellites
Homeworld of the orcish Lahsbee/Huhk species, Lahsbane was a remote world of dense forests and deep canyons. The planet wasn’t discovered by the greater galaxy until 3 ABY when Imperial expeditions scouted the system. Year later, the planet would join the fledgling New Republic.
Onatos System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: Onatos
· Orbits: none
Onatos was an empty system that saw little galactic traffic.
Somov Rit System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Somov Rit
A swampy world of marshes and fields, Somov Rit was a remote, sparcely populated Republic world. During the New Sith Wars, Jedi scouts visited the planet in search of new recruits, discovering the girl who would become Darth Zannah and help Darth Bane reconstitute the Sith Order.
Tharados System (R-15)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Tharados
Tharados was a remote arctic world controlled by slavers aligned with the Hutts during the Clone Wars.