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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Rolion Sector

Althir System (P-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Althir III

Home of the humanoid Althiri, Althir III remained independent for much of its history. During the Mandalorian Wars, Althir III was conquered by Mandalorian forces until they were liberated by Revan. When Revan turned to the Sith, the planet followed him as he created his new Sith empire. After Revan’s redemption, Althir III returned to Republic hands.

About three centuries later, Althir became the site of a battle between Republic and Sith forces during the Cold War. After the war, the planet opted for independence, and remained so until the New Sith Wars, when it once again became contested territory. Althir III remained independent throughout the Clone Wars and most of the Galactic Civil War, however it was temporarily occupied by Imperial forces under warlord Zsinj, and later the Yuuzhan Vong and Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire.

Carpastor System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: Carpastor

· Orbits: none

Carpastor was an empty system, regionally known for comet showers streaking through the system.

Chirrion System (Q-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Chirrion

Chirrion was a minor world in the sector, serving as an Imperial military garrison during the Galactic Civil War.

Epidimi System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Disim

o Iri

Disim and Iri were both forested worlds and home to unnamed avian species. When the planet was discovered by the Republic in 5,000 BBY, scientists experimented on the species, crossbreeding them, creating the avian-humanoid Tarong species. Over time, both parent species went extinct, leaving the Tarong to flourish. Both planets would eventually join the Galactic Republic.

Fenion System (P-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Fenion

Fenion was a remote world that remained neutral throughout most of galactic history. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet was temporarily occupied by Imperial forces led by the warlording Zsinj.

Indu San System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Indu San

The standard terrestrial world of mountain ranges, forests, grasslands and oceans, Indu San was a Republic world for much of its history, its mining expeditions making the world prosperous regionally. During the Galactic Civil War, Indu San initially was occupied by Imperial forces, before being liberated and joining the New Republic.

Kattellyn System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: Kattellyn

· Orbits:

o Kronas

o Atraken

§ Doulos

§ Mrykos

§ Trilos

Kronas was an uninhabited seared rock, orbiting too close to its star to sustain life. Its neighbor, Atraken, was a lush world teeming with resources. Neutral throughout most of its history, Atraken was invaded by the CIS early in the Clone Wars. In the last year of the war, Republic forces were able to liberate the planet, but Separatist forces poisoned the planet during their retreat, destroying its environment and killing 90% of the planet’s population.

Those that survived fled to Trilos, sharing the moon with the invertebrate worm Ee species. Atraken remained a dead husk, the only creatures able to survive the poisoned world being large insects that fed off the poisoned environment.

Maridun System (Q-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Maridun

Homeworld of the primitive Armanin species, Maridun was originally conquered by the Infinite Empire. Following the collapse of the Rakatan’s empire, the system remained isolated and independent, despite falling in Mandalorian and Sith territory during the Mandalaorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. Maridun remained neutral through the Clone Wars until the Galactic Civil War, when the Empire annexed the planet and used the population as slaves in mining expeditions. Maridun would also be briefly conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy.

Nadhe System (Q-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Nadhe

Nadhe was a remote world that came under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. It suffered devastation for trying to defy the emperor early in the war.

Pinurguia System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Pinurguia

Homeworld of the humanoid goat-like Pinurquian species, Pinurguia was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.

Pouffra System (Q-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Pouffra

Pouffra was a minor world in the region, known for its podracing circuits.

Fara’s Belt (Q-7)

Used by the Galactic Empire as a communications array, the asteroid belt was the site of a battle between Rebel and Imperial forces during the Galactic Civil War. The Rebel Alliance suffered a total defeat, primarily because Imperial Intelligence had broken their codes and were aware of the details of the Rebel plans to take the base.



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