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Touring the Galaxy: Tion Hegemony

Jason Dietzel

Abraxin System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Abraxin

A remote swamp world, Abraxin was conquered by Xim’s empire in its early history. Following the collapse of the empire, Abraxin joined the Galactic Republic, remaining a member world until the Clone Wars, when it seceded and joined the Separatists. Following the war, the system remained relatively autonomous.

Brigia System (T-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Brigia

Homeworld of the humanoid Brigians, the planet was a lush world. Originally a member of the Kingdom of Cron, the planet was eventually conquered by Xim’s empire. Following the empire’s collapse, Brigia joined the Republic, remaining so until the Clone Wars, when it sided with the CIS. Following the defeat of the Separatists, Brigia became an Imperial world. During the Yuuzhan Vong’s invasion, the planet was temporarily terraformed, and the Brigia enslaved.

Caluula System (T-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Caluula

Originally part of the Kingdom of Cron, and the subsequent empire of Xim, Caluula eventually became a Republic world following the defeat of Xim’s empire. Landscaped by mountain ranges and vast forests and grasslands, Caluula remained a Republic world until the end of the Clone Wars, when it became neutral. Come the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the planet was conquered by the Vong a terraformed. Caluula became the site of a failed bioweapon attack on the Vong by the Galactic Alliance, and the planet was unable to uphold its quarantine to isolate the fallout and mutation from the weapon.

Clariv System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Clariv

Following the defeat of Xim’s empire, Clariv became a minor industrial world for the Republic, establishing a network of shipyards. During the Galactic Civil War, Clariv supported the Rebel Alliance until the Empire subjugated the planet, brutalizing the population for their support for the rebellion.

Dellalt System (T-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Dellalt

§ two unnamed moons/satellites

Home of the amphibious Dellaltians, the planet was primarily covered by oceans, but also contained three continents landscaped with forestes, mountain ranges, and plains. Dellalt was occupied by Xim’s empire until its defeat circa 25,100 BBY. Following its collapse, the planet joined the Galactic Republic; however, aligned with the Separatists during the Clone Wars millennia later. During the Galactic Civil War, Dellalt was an Imperial garrison, subsequently occupied by the invading Yuuzhan Vong.

Desev System (S-6)

· Sun/Star:

o Desev

o Maugina

· Orbits:

o Arjus

§ 38 unnamed moons/satellites

o Desevro

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

o Gauther

A binary star system, both Arjus and Gauther were uninhabitable worlds, with Arjus being a gas giant and Gauther being a barren, lifeless rock. Desevro, conversely, was a subarctic industrial world that became one of the capitols of Xim’s empire. Following the empire’s collapse, Desevro begrudgingly joined the Galactic Republic after losing the Tionese War to the fledging government. The planet’s fierce independent sentiment aligned it with the Sith Empire during the Cold War in 3,653 BBY, and the Separatists in the Clone Wars. Come the Galactic Civil War, Desevro was an Imperial world.

Erediss System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o three unnamed planets (presumably Eredenn I-III)

o Eredenn Prime

§ three unnamed moons/satellites

Eredenn Prime was a subarctic, alpine world with snowy plains and icy lakes. Originally a member world of Xim’s empire, Eredenn Prime joined the Republic following the Tionese War a millennia later. By the time of the Clone Wars, Eredenn Prime’s population had mostly immigrated offworld and the Republic had repurposed the abandoned world as a secret weapons testing site, until the world was conquered by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Folende System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Folende

Folende was a minor agriworld for the region, commissioning the Kamino cloners to create farmhands to increase the production of their fields, helping the region combat the devastation of the Clone Wars.

Kanaver System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Kanaver

Kanaver joined the fledging Galactic Republic roughly a millennium following the collapse of Xim’s empire. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under Imperial rule and became a regional trade center.

Kaon System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Kaon

A tropical world of rainforests and oceans, Kaon was a major trade world in Xim’s empire. Following the empire’s collapse, Kaon eventually joined the Galactic Republic, holding its position as a prominent trade center in the region. During the Galactic War, circa 3,643, Kaon was devastated by the rakghoul plague outbreak, though recovered and by the time of the Clone Wars, became a key Separatist stronghold.

Livien System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Livien

Originally a thriving world in the region, Livien was conquered by Xim’s empire. Following the defeat of the empire, the planet was taken over by corrupt monarchs who slowly destroyed Livien’s prominence in the region. Remaining neutral throughout galactic history, Livien was a remote agricultural world by the time of the Galactic Civil War.

Newland System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Argoon

Argoon was a remote manufacturing world abandoned by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Omman System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Omman

Omman was a minor agriworld in the region. During the Galactic Civil War, Omman was occupied by Imperial forces and utilized as a garrison to monitor Rebel activities in the region.

Orion System (T-6)

· Sun/Star: Orion

· Orbits:

o three unnamed planets (presumably Orion I-III)

o Orion IV

Orion IV was an arid, terrestrial world of canyons, deserts, and volcanic mountain ranges. Throughout its history, the planet was utilized as a minor manufacturing location for the sector, first under Xim’s empire, then the Galactic Republic until it became a Separatist world during the Clone Wars, and finally under the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, following Imperial campaigns to wrestle control of the facilities from the Rebel Alliance.

Raxus System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: Raxus

· Orbits:

o Raxus Prime

o Raxus II

o Raxus Secundus

Originally a lush tropical world during that became one of the capitals of Xim’s empire, Raxus Prime would eventually become a Republic world and over time become an industrial world that would render the planet a polluted wasteland come the time of the Clone Wars. During its history, Raxus Prime was briefly occupied by the Sith during the Great Sith War and Jedi Civil War, until it became the birthplace of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Raxus Prime was used as a manufacturing world by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, attempting to repurpose the vast junkyards to scrap resources to produce starships for the Imperial Navy.

Raxus II was a small ice world that was uninhabited. Its neighbor, Raxus Secundus, however, was a lush temperate world of oceans, mountain ranges, forests, and hilly plains, preserved by the system’s denizens following the ecosystem’s collapse on Raxus Prime. Sharing a similar history as Raxus Prime, Raxus Secundus was the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Galactic Civil War. With the rise of the Galactic Empire, however, the planet was delegated back to a minor world in galactic affairs.

Risban System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Risban

Risban was a remote world that came under Separatist and Imperial control during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, respectively.

Rudrig System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Rudrig

A minor lush, serene world, Rudrig first came under rule by Xim’s empire until it joined the Galactic Republic roughly a millennium after the empire’s collapse. Rudrig remained in the Republic until it aligned with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, and eventually became an Imperial world, until it joined the New Republic.

Saheelindeel System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Saheelindeel

Homeworld of the humanoid primate Saheelindeeli species, the planet was a remote agricultural world. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under Imperial control, utilizing it as an outpost to spy on Rebel activities.

Stalimur System (S-6)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Stalimur

Landscaped by mountain ranges and savannas, Stalimur was a stormy world that served as a small agriworld for the sector, remaining neutral throughout galactic history.

Tion System (S-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed binary stars

· Orbits:

o Tion

§ three unnamed moons/satellites

Primarily an aquatic world dotted with island archipelagos, Tion became a major world in the region following the collapse of Xim’s empire. Tion’s major role in the region continued after their defeat in the Tionese War and membership in the Galactic Republic, industrializing their three moons. Tion would align with the Separatists during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, maintaining its hegemonic power in the region under both governments.



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