Abar System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: Abar
· Orbits: none
Abar was an empty system that saw little galactic traffic.
Argo System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: Argo
· Orbits: none
Argo was an empty system that saw little galactic traffic.
M2934738 System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: M2934738
· Orbits: none
The system was an empty system, utilized as a waypoint along a regional hyperlane route.
Maxet System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Maxet
Maxet was a remote world that housed an Imperial vocational school for technology during the Galactic Civil War.
Mistar System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: Mistar
· Orbits: none
Mistar was an empty system that saw little galactic traffic.
Ord Traga System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Ord Traga
Ord Traga was a remote Republic ordinance world that became an Imperial base during the Galactic Civil War.
Raspar System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: Raspar
· Orbits: none
Raspar was an empty system that saw little galactic traffic.
Shaum Hii System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Shaum Hii
Homeworld of the humanoid crustacean Kian’thar species, Shaum Hii was primarily an oceanic world with island archipelagos of swampland and marshes. Discovered by the rest of the galaxy in 300 BBY, the planet remained neutral in galactic affairs, though became involved with the Black Sun crime syndicate.
During the Clone Wars, Shaum Hii became a Separatists world before coming under Imperial control during the subsequent Galactic Civil War. In the later years of the conflict, the planet joined the New Republic; however, was eventually conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy.
Tinuvia System (N-5)
· Sun/Star: unnamed
· Orbits:
o Tinuvia
Tinuvia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.
Bakisian Drift (N-5)
The Bakisian Drift was a notoriously dangerous nebula to traverse, making it nearly impossible to map the Tragan Cluster until roughly 300 BBY.