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Touring the Galaxy: Unknown Regions Misc Sectors

Jason Dietzel

Ilum System (G-7)

· Sun/Star: Asar

· Orbits:

o Jike

o Bory

o Cala

o Kess Bela (asteroid belt)

o Ilum

§ two unnamed moons/satellites

o Trop

§ 11 unnamed moons/satellites

o Eton

§ 41 unnamed moons/satellites

o Fern

§ 20 unnamed moons/satellites

Located in the 7G Sector of the Unknown Regions, the remote Ilum System held seven planets and an asteroid belt. The inner three planets were unihabitable, with Jike being a seared, barren rock too close to the star Asar to support life, while Bory and Cala were airless, barren worlds. Likewise, the outer three planets were also uninhabitable, being gas giants.

Ilum was an arctic world of snowy tundra and mountain ranges. Discovered around 22,800 BBY by Jedi scouts, the planet was found to hold an immense deposit of crystals, including ones used in the construction of lightsabers. Keeping the system secret from the Galactic Republic, the Jedi established a massive Jedi temple in the frozen wastes of the world to protect the crystal deposits.

At some point during the Great Galactic War, circa 3,681-3,653 BBY, Ilum was attacked by the Sith, driving the Jedi from their treasured world. Ilum remained a planet of contest during the subsequent Galactic War, but the Jedi Order was eventually able to reclaim Ilum, and eventually shroud it in secrecy from the Republic once again.

Ilum remained a secret until the Clone Wars, when it came under attack by Separatist forces commanded by the Sith. Jedi forces were able to fend off the assault and managed to keep the system’s location a secret. It wasn’t until the Galactic Civil War when Ilum’s existence was brought to light as part of Order 66. Imperial forces assaulted the world hunting down Jedi and provided access for others across the galaxy.

Plunder Moon System (G-8)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o unnamed planet

§ Plunder Moon

Located in the Black Hole sector of the Unknown Regions, Plunder Moon was a remote moon. It’s only known structure was an Infinity Gate, constructed by the enigmatic Kwa species that existed before the rise of the Rakatan’s Infinite Empire. It is unknown where the black hole resided within the sector, or its relation to the Plunder Moon System.

Explume Minor System

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Explume Minor

The only known system in the Croke Reach territory of the Unknown Regions, Explume Minor was a remote world colonized by the tiny Croke species. Around 300 BBY, the Croke experienced a civil war on the planet, importing the sentient Lugubraa species to fill their armies; however, the Croke were unable to control the Lugubraa, who overran Croke settlements. By the time of 0 ABY, Explume Minor had been abandoned by both species.

Dark Worlds

· Sun/Star(s): unknown

· Orbits: unknown

Located in an uncharted portion of the Unknown Regions, the Dark Worlds were a supposed network of star systems and planets ruled by the mutant Arkanian terrorist Zeta Magnus prior to and during the Clone Wars. The Dark Worlds aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but remained shrouded in secrecy, even to the Separatists. During the Galactic Civil War, it was believed Magnus was really the Director of Imperial Intelligence.

Vagar Praxut System (H-9)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Vagar Praxut

A remote planet in the Kharmort’s Miasma nebula in the Unknown Regions, Vagar Praxut was the homeworld of the humanoid Vagaari species. Circa 30,000 BBY, the planet was conquered by the Infinite Empire, until they were driven offworld during the decline of the Rakatan’s civilization. Before their departure, the Rakatan were able to alter the ecosystem of the planet, causing it to slowly become an inhospitable desert world. By 60 BBY, the Vagaari had abandoned Vagar Praxut, becoming nomadic pirates harassing others to steal resources.

Rhand System

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Rhand

Part of the Nihil Retreat located in the Perann Nebula of the Unknown Regions, Rhand was the only planet explored in the region. A remote prairie world, Rhand was occupied by cultists as early as 100,000 BBY. Over the millennia, other cult groups would settle on the planet and eventually merge to create the dark side cult Sorcerors of Ghand. By the time of the Clone Wars, the leader of the cult became connected to Palpatine, eventually becoming Director of Imperial Intelligence in the Galactic Empire.

Ssi’kaat System (C-16)

· Sun/Star: Ssi’kaat

· Orbits:

o five unnamed planets

o Lwhekk

Located in the distant Ssi-Ruuk Star Cluster, Lwhekk was the homeworld of the saurian Ssi-Ruuk species. Capital of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium, the Lwhekk was a lush primordial world with jungles, mountain ranges, oceans, marshes, and volcanic wastes.

By 2 BBY, the Ssi-Ruuk were expanding beyond their star cluster and into Wild Space and parts of the Outer Rim, launching attacks against the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire. Their invasion plans were put on hold after Lwhekk was occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. Following the invasion, the Ssi-Ruuk were unable to commence their own invasion of the galaxy.

Lehon System (G-11)

· Sun/Star: Abo

· Orbits:

o Iwar

o Meldina

o Taxiode

o Lehon

§ two unnamed moons/satellites

o Desten

§ five unnamed moons/satellites

o Geraps Sule

§ 11 unnamed moons/satellites

o Verla Klest

§ nine unnamed moons/satellites

o Ding Briar

§ 18 unnamed moons/satellites

Located in the Tempered Wastes sector of the Unknown Regions, the Lehon system held multiple planets, the three inner ones being uninhabited terrestrial worlds of barren seared, volcanic, and toxic environments. The four outer planets in the system were uninhabitable, with the outer three being gas giants, and Desten being an airless, barren world.

Lehon – also known as Rakata Prime – was the homeworld of the humanoid amphibian Rakata species. The planet was primarily an oceanic world with jungle island archipelagos littering the surface. The ancient capital of the Rakata’s Infinite Empire, Lehon was the galactic centerpiece for almost 10,000 years, until circa 25,200 BBY when the disease and disconnection from the Force led to a collapse of the Rakata’s civilization.

Retreating to their homeworld, the Rakata spent millennia in tribal conflict over the fate of their forgotten world. In 3,959 BBY, at the onset of the Jedi Civil War, Darth Revan visited the system and commandeered the Star Forge, a dormant piece of Rakata technology that could rapidly manufacture battle droids and warships. Years later, the redeemed Revan would return to the system and destroy the Star Forge and its Sith occupiers.

Lehon became a member of the Republic and a protected system for a short period, but by 3,637 BBY it was targeted as a key location once again. During the Galactic War, Revan returned with a fanatical sect to rebuild his order. Almost a decade later, remnants of the Eternal Empire attempted to contrast a new Rakata forge but were ultimately defeated.

By 1,000 BBY, the Rakata on Lehon had gone extinct when Darth Bane visited the planet for Sith teachings dating back to the time of Revan. Following his departure, the system slipped into obscurity.

Brask Oto Command Station System (H-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits: none

An empty system that contained the Chiss Ascendancy’s Brask Oto Command Station, the system was in The Redoubt sector of the Unknown Regions. Discovered by the Chiss a couple centuries before the Clone Wars, and only explored by the Chiss by 27 BBY, as an auxiliary location for the species.

The Redoubt also contained at least ten other star systems, nominally explored by the Chiss, that housed hundreds of worlds. One of the planetoids was the site of the crashed Outbound Flight project in 22 BBY



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