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Character Spotlight: Bria Tharon

Spencer Crilly

Bria Tharen grew up in the southern parts of the planet Corelliain a wealthy family.  At a very early age, Bria’s parent arranged for her to marry Dael Levare. However, Bria broke off the engagement as she wanted to study ancient art and archeology at the University of Coruscant.


When she was seventeen, she attended a religious revival and experienced the “Exultation.”  It was a harmonic stimulation of the brain's pleasure center performed by t’landa Til “priests.”  Like many before her, Bria misunderstood the sensation for a higher truth.  She sold her jewelry to board passage on a pilgrim ship but became a slave to the Hutt's spice factories when she landed on Ylseia.  She was stripped of her name and called Pilgrim 921.  Bria clung to her illusions about the Ylseia regime until a spice pilot showed her the truth about the Hutt named Han Solo.  She escaped the planet with Solo’s help, and they eventually became lovers.  After they made it to Coruscant, Bria left Han.  She was experiencing a lingering Exultation withdrawal and needed help to beat the addiction. 

She would join Garm Bel Iblis’s Corellian resistance movement and quickly move up the ranks. She would see Han Solo occasionally but would not approach him for fear of them rekindling their relationship. 

Bria would start her rebel attack force, the Red Hand squadron, which she would lead from the bridge of the corvette “Retribution.”  Her Rebel superiors were often shocked at the Red Hand squadron’s brutality toward slavers. 

After the official formation of the Rebel Alliance, Bria set forward a plan that would wipe out the Ylseian factories and simultaneously enrich the struggling Rebels.  She forged a deal with Jabba the Hutt that enabled Rebel soldiers to join with Nar Shadaa smugglers in a successful raid on Ylseia.  Han Solo would join with Bria, and the two would fight together once again.  Their relationship seemed also to be rekindling again.  This would struggle when Bria double-crossed the smugglers, taking all the spice to aid the Rebel Alliance in capturing the Death Star plans.

Bria’s Red Hand Squadron received the Death Star schematics on the ground at Toprawa and sent them quickly to Princess Leia Organa on the Tantive IV.  Bria, knowing she would be tortured if captured, decided to swallow poison and ended up dying a martyr.  Her sacrifice would not be in vain, as Rebels could mount an attack on the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin.  And, due to Solo's aide, Luke Skywalker delivered the destructive blow that obliterated the space station.



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