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  • Jason Dietzel

Galaxy Tour: Zuma Region: Outer Moddell Sector

Ast Kikorie System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Ast Kikorie

Also known as “Down Below,” Ast Kikorie was a world predominately featured with plains and farms. It became an astrocartographic research facility of the Galactic Republic, in hopes of mapping areas of Wild Space. Duros, humans, Sullustans, Twi’leks, and the insectoid Kobok would come and settle on the planet in order to use the equipment to chart nearby regions, establishing Kikorie City and its vast arrays of orbital telescopes. Following the Clone Wars, scientists abandoned Ast Kikorie, until a new generation would return from the New Republic.

Din System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Din/Din Pulsar

· Orbits: none

The system’s star went supernova in the year 5000 BBY, creating the Din Pulsar, and eradicating its planetary orbits. It is unknown how many inner terrestrial planets were obliterated when the star went supernova, but investigations have found that three gas giants’ cores remain. The pulsar’s magnetic disturbances make it complicated to navigate along the nearby Trindello-Endor trade route, also making the Din system inaccessible.

Endor System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Ibleam

· Orbits:

o Endor (nine moons/satellites)

§ forest moon of Endor

§ Sister-moon

o Eloggi

o Megiddo

o Dor

Neither Endor or Megiddo are inhabited planets, with Endor being a gas giant and Megiddo being a barren rock void of any interest. Eloggi, although being a barren, frozen planet, did have a small mining colony established on it, both by the Empire and later by Sullustans with connections to the New Republic. Dor, also being a barren planet, was unique in that its crust and mantle were incredibly rich in various metals, alloys, and crystals. The process to extract these natural materials was difficult, and eventually the Empire resorted to cracking the planet’s crust open in order to excavate the resources, leaving the planet an unstable, jagged hellscape.

The forest moon of Endor, however, was teeming with life. The moon was considered an oasis amongst a desert of space. Endor was home to a handful of sentient life, including the Ewoks, Dulok, Gorph, Yuzzum, Skandit, Yayax, and Wistie species, yet no civilizations emerged to develop sprawling, industrial cities. Endor would become the site of the most climatic battle in Star Wars, where the Rebel Alliance would destroy the Death Star II and Luke Skywalker would confront Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

Murk System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Murk

· Orbits: several planetoids

Murk was a barren system, only used by the Empire as a transfer point in order to keep their development of the Death Star II secret. A small station was established on the largest planetoid, also referred to as Murk, but was abandoned after the Battle of Endor. Eventually the shell Hutt, Tagoonta, inhabited the station.

Kuna’s Eye System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Kuna’s Eye

· Orbits: protoplanetary disk

The Kuna’s Eye system is a young star system, early in its development. A protoplanetary disc has formed around the blue giant, which is rich in minerals, metals and alloys. As of 43 ABY, a space station was hobbled together for prospectors to mine these natural materials.

Kuna’s Fist System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Kuna’s Fist

· Orbits: unknown

Other than the star being a red giant, little is known about the system’s age or orbital composition.

Kuna’s Horn System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Kuna’s Horn

· Orbits: unknown

Another red giant in the Kuna constellation, little is known about age or orbital composition of the system.

Kuna’s Tail System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Kuna’s Tail

· Orbits:

o Sarafur

The third planet in the Kuna’s Tail system, Sarafur is a desert planet that originally served as a Killik colony long before the time of the Galactic Republic and Infinite Empire. The Rakatan did colonize Sarafur during their expanse as an empire, but also abandoned the planet during their decline. During the waning days of the Republic, as well as the eras of Imperial and New Republic galactic dominance, Sarafur become home to Vashan, humans and other species looking to capitalize off salt exports.

Sanyassa System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Sanyassa

· Orbits:

o Sanyassa IV

Presumably the fourth planet in the system, Sanyassa IV is home to the tall, leathery-skinned humanoid species called the Sanyassans. Most of the planet was a temperate climate with a stormy, rocky landscape. This gloomy environment aided in the growth of large, dark forests and sulky mountainous landscapes. Rocky savannas and plains could also be found littered around the planet. The Sanyassans had an inclination for violence, stalling their potential for a global civilaztion at the phase of regional governmental clans.

Trindello System (H-16)

· Star/Sun: Trindello

· Orbits:

o unnamed (one moon/satellite)

§ Trindello

The moon Trindello is a sparcely populated satellite, containing less than half a million human and Vashan colonists. Most of the moon has a cool temperate climate, approaching more of a continental climate, covered in forests of Trindellan oak. This dark green wood became a popular export item locally, for its iron-like durability.



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