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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Atrivis Sector

Dartibek System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Moltok

Homeworld of the humanoid Ho’Din and reptilian humanoid Makurth species, Moltok was a humid, tropical world of swamps, rainforests, mountain ranges and oceans. Integrating into the larger galaxy by at least 8,000 BBY, Moltok aligned with the old Sith Empire during the Great Hyperspace War in 5,000 BBY. Following the Sith’s defeat, the planet would join the Republic.

Remaining a loyal Republic world throughout the Old Sith Wars and New Sith Wars, the Makurth mostly remained on the planet, though those that did travel offworld aligned with the Sith or other groups counter to the Ho’Din. Around 300 BBY, Moltok’s ecosystem was nearly destroyed when the Ho’Din attempted to industrialize their world. Action was taken to correct the collapse and the world slowly healed.

Moltok shifted allegiance repeatedly starting with the Clone Wars, allying with the CIS until the Empire took control of the world following the war. The planet remained an Imperial world until about 17 ABY, when the planet joined the New Republic. Moltok was subjugated by the Vong during their invasion of the galaxy but returned to the control of the Fel Empire by 40 ABY.

Desolation Station System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o unnamed asteroid belt

§ Desolation Station

The only astronomical object in the system was an unnamed asteroid belt that housed Desolation Station, an Imperial space station that was a construction facility for superlaser components for the first Death Star. Around 1 BBY, the station was attacked and destroyed by Rebel agents.

Devon System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Devon Four

A remote world in the Republic, Devon Four came under Republic blockade a few years before the Clone Wars after refusing to pay taxes. The blockade was eventually broken by a coalition of smugglers and it is unclear if the planet remained in the Republic.

Fedje System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Fedje

Fedje was a remote forested world that remained neutral throughout most of galactic history. During the later years of the Galactic Civil War, the planet joined the New Republic, only to be subjugated by the Vong in 25 ABY during their invasion of the galaxy.

Fest System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Fest

An arctic world of snowcapped mountain ranges, frozen hills and icy plains, Fest was originally settled by humans millennia before the Clone Wars. The planet was a minor world in the “True” Sith Empire, but by the time of the Clone Wars, Fest was a heavily populated world that joined the CIS. During the subsequent Galactic Civil War, Fest became an Imperial research and production location.

Generis System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Generis

o Atrivis

o five unnamed planets (presumably Atrivis 2-6)

o Atrivis 7

A semi-tropical world of jungles, oceans, plains, and mountains, Generis was originally settled by the Rakata as an outpost in their Infinite Empire. Following the collapse of the empire, the planet remained neutral and unexplored until about 3,000 BBY when Republic explorers discovered and settled the planet. Generis remained neutral throughout its history and the Clone Wars, shifting between Imperial and New Republic control during the Galactic Civil War, ultimately coming under the rule of the Fel Empire by 41 ABY.

Like Generis, both Atrivis and Atrivis 7 were lightly settled millennia before the Clone Wars and remained neutral throughout most of galactic history. They ultimately came under rule by the Fel Empire, though were not as significant of worlds compared to Generis, the primary planet in the system.

Gibbela System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Gibbela

Homeworld of the polymorph Dazouri species, Gibbela was a terrestrial world that came under brief Imperial colonization during the Galactic Civil War. The Empire was quickly repelled from the world by the Dazouri.

Gree Baaker System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Gree Baaker

Gree Baaker was a remote world utilized as a labor camp by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Hethar System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Hethar

Hethar was a remote forested, temperate world nominally colonized by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Horuz System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o two unnamed planets

o Despayre (destroyed)

§ Haroon (presumably destroyed)

o two unnamed asteroid belts

Originally known as Horuz, Despayre was a remote tropical world of rainforests and oceans. The planet was uninhabited throughout much of galactic history, only being used as a penal colony by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Despayre was the final construction site of the first Death Star and was the first test subject for the superlaser’s lethality, destroying the planet its nearby moon Haroon. Haroon was utilized as a mining colony for extraction of its crystalline terrain, also being applied to the construction of the first Death Star. The two other planets in the system were gas giants and incapable of supporting life. The innermost gas giant held a close orbit to its star, while the second held the outermost orbit. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the system was occupied by the extra-galactic invaders.

Iridium System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Iridium

Iridium was a remote world controlled by pirate groups throughout most of its history. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Empire.

Mantooine System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Mantooine

Colonized by 12,000 BBY, Mantooine was a remote Republic world, constantly vying for regional influence amongst other planets in the sector, primarily their rival Fest. Mantooine came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War, though the planet would later join the Rebel Alliance and subsequent New Republic.

Markbee’s Star System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: Markbee’s Star

· Orbits:

o three unnamed planets

o Zeffliffl

Homeworld of the algae based Zeffliffl species, Zeffliffl was a remote oceanic world that saw little galactic traffic.

Nam’ta System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Nam’ta

Despite being a gas giant, Nam’ta had a sizable population by 3,640 BBY to where it was courted by both the Galactic Republic and “True” Sith Empire during the Galactic War. The local government would ultimately choose neutrality and the planet would remain independent until the Galactic Civil War when it came under Imperial rule.

Shar’Ack System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Shar’Ack

Homeworld of the avian Shaliz’Na humanoid species, Shar’Ack was a forested world that came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War. The planet eventually joined the Rebel Alliance after being enslaved by the Empire.

Spefik System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Spefik

Spefik was a remote barren world used as a Rebel base during the Galactic Civil War, until it was destroyed by Imperial forces in 0 ABY, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.

Vuchelle System (L-5)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Vuchelle (astronomical object)

Vuchelle was a remote planetoid that came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War.

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