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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Maedocian Sector

Chokan System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Chokan

Chokan was a remote planet that housed a small Imperial garrison during the Galactic Civil War.   


Chroma Zed System (Q-12)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Chroma Zed

Homeworld of the humanoid worm-like Chroman species, Chroma Zed was a lush world of forests, mountains ranges, rainforests, and vast lakes and oceans. Discovered by Republic scouts early in the government’s history, the planet saw little development and eventually came under the control of Hutt Space.


During the Clone Wars, the Republic attempted to reclaim Chroma Zed from the Hutts, but all endeavors failed. It wasn’t until the Galactic Civil War when the original borders were approved, and the planet became an Imperial world.


Later in the war, the planet shifted to New Republic control, remaining a member through its reorganization into the Galactic Alliance, before coming under jurisdiction of Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire by 127 ABY.


Dalonia System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Dalonia

Dalonia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.


Deneba System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Deneba

A mountainous, desert world, Deneba was a minor Republic planet in 3,9996 BBY at the onset of the Great Sith War. The planet had ties with the Jedi, who used it as a location for their conclaves of leaders. It was here that the Sith cult, the Krath, attacked the Jedi, instigating the Great Sith War.


Maerdocia System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: Maerdocia

·        Orbits: none

Maerdocia was an empty system and naming convention for the sector.


Ogden Minor System (Q-12)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Ogden Minor

Ogden Minor was a remote jungle world that, due to its savage terrain, saw little galactic traffic.


Shador System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Shador

§  five unnamed moons/satellites

Homeworld of the Shadorians, Shador was a swampy and forested world that remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War. Due to its foul atmosphere, it was difficult for humans to breathe without portable breathing machines.


Tarshan System (Q-12)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Tarshan

Tarshan was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.


Thokosia System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Thokosia

Thokosia was a remote system that was economically allied with the Hutt cartel.

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