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Touring the Galaxy: Mandalore Sector

Jason Dietzel

Breshig System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Breshig

Becoming a Mandalorian world early in its history, Breshig acted as a major construction and shipyard world for the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars. Following their loss, Breshig remained in control of the various clans.

Cheravh System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Cheravh

A frontier world of plains and forests, Cheravh was a Mandalorian world throughout most of its history. Following the Clone Wars, the planet remained in the hands of the Mandalorian clans, avoiding the eye of Imperial interests.

Concord Dawn System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Concord Dawn

Concord Dawn acted as the primary agricultural world for the Mandalorian clans. Colonized by the Mandalorians early in their history, the world remained in their control through the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War.

Draboon System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Draboon

Draboon was historically a Mandalorian world, though it did see brief Republic membership a few decades prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. The planet was known for its gem deposits, attracting many prospects.

Gargon System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Gargon

Traditionally a Mandalorian world, Gargon was conquered by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, utilizing its vast phobium deposits to construct the Death Star. The planet would eventually join the New Republic.

Harswee System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Harswee

Harswee was a minor Mandalorian world, known for its fine woven products.

Hrthging System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Hrthging

Hrthging was a minor Mandalorian world, known for its mined firegem.

Jakelia System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Jakelia

Homeworld of the Jakelian species, the planet was one of the first to come under Mandalorian control. Willing to become a vassal state to the invading Taung, the Jakelians were eventually allowed to become full Mandalorians, being accepted into the culture. Its oak wood was used to adorn the interiors of luxury starliners.

Mandalore System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: Mandalore

· Orbits:

o Nog

o Akaan

§ two unnamed moons/satellites

o Tracyn

§ four unnamed moons/satellites

o Kalevala

o Mandalore

§ Concordia

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

o Mandallia

§ one unnamed moon/satellite

o Bonagal

§ 34 unnamed moons/satellites

o Shuku

§ 30 unnamed moons/satellites

o Werda

Both Nog and Akaan were barren, lifeless planets. Their neighbors, Tracyn and Kalevala were volcanic and toxic environments, respectively, yet were able to house Mandalorian populations. Toward the outward part of the system, both Bonagal and Shukut were uninhabited gas giants, while Werda was a frigid ice world where few Mandalorians dared to venture.

Mandallia was originally inhabited by the Mandallian Giants species. For centuries the race was able to fend off Mandalorian invasions, but when they were finally successful, the Mandalorians welcomed them as honorable members, eventually allowing them to become full Mandalorians and fight alongside the Taung. Mandallia would remain a loyal ally to Mandalore throughout its history.

A lush world of grasslands, forests, rainforests, mountain ranges, rivers, and forests, Mandalore was the first world conquered by the Taung to revitalize their culture. The planet would eventually become the capital of the Mandalorians, remaining as such throughout most of its history. Known for its rare beskar metal, capable of withstanding blows from lightsabers, Mandalore briefly aligned with the Republic before it shifted allegiance to the CIS during the Clone Wars.

Following the war, Mandalore was subjugated by the Empire and then by the Yuuzhan Vong, but was able to revitalize their industry and culture, returning the world to prosperity by the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. A century later, the Mandalorians were able to remain neutral during the Sith-Imperial War and the subsequent conflict between the Sith, Jedi, Galactic Alliance, and Fel Empire.

Concordia, Mandalore’s main moon, shared a similar history. A lush world, Concordia was littered with beskar mining operations, and became the focus of many wartime missions to gain access to their important resources. Throughout the turmoil of the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, Concordia remained connected to Mandalore, periodically being occupied but always loyal to the Mandalorian culture.

Ordo System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Ordo

Primarily an arid desert world with equatorial rainforests, Ordo was a historical Mandalorian world. During the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorians tried to ally with a renegade Jedi in hopes of building a training facility to train Mandalorian Jedi. The plan was ultimately stopped by Jedi forces.

Vorpa’ya System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Vorpa’ya

Vorpa’ya was a minor Mandalorian agricultural world utilized for farming and cattle grazing.

Zanbar System (O-7)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Zanbar

A minor swampy world of marshes and lagoons, Zanbar was a Mandalorian world that came under nominal Separatist control during the Clone Wars. Eventually Zanbar returned to neutrality as a Mandalorian world.



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