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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Mayagil Sector

Anchoron System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Anchoron

The standard terrestrial world, Anchoron was a member of the Galactic Republic and subsequent Empire. Despite this, the Anchoroni were open to debate and decorum, even when it came to criticisms of the Empire. In 2 BBY, Anchoron unwittingly played host to a failed assassination attempt on Rebel sympathizer Garm Bel Iblis’ life.

Besn System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Besn

A terrestrial world in the Empire, Besn was known for its artistic dinner theaters.

Colu System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: Colu

· Orbits:

o Clak’dor I (destroyed)

o Clak’dor II

o Clak’dor III

o Clak’dor IV

§ two unnamed moons

o Clak’dor V

§ twelve unnamed moons

o Clak’dor VI asteroid belt

o Clak’dor VII

The Colu system had two planets destroyed early in its history: Clak’dor I was destroyed circa 8,000 BBY due to solar expansion, and Clak’dor VI earlier still due to unknown reason. Clak’dor II and III were both uninhabited seared molten rocks, while Clak’dor V was a gas giant. In 3,630 BBY, ancient Bith remains were discovered on Clak’dor V’s dense core, however the Bith forbade anyone to excavate these prison ruins.

The main planet in the system was Clak’dor VII, a terrestrial world of jungles and swamps and homeworld to the craniopod Bith species and their Y’bith and Aalagar offshoots. The system was a member of the Galactic Republic for millennia. Clak’dor IV, also a terrestrial world, was populated with the rest of the system, but became the Y’bith’s homeworld around the year 300 BBY after a conflict broke out between them and the Bith.

Though mostly being pacifist, the Bith did secede their system from the Republic to support the Confederation of Independent Systems in the onset before the Clone Wars. Following the war, the Bith were appalled by the Imperial subjugation of Clak’dor VII and would eventually join the New Republic later in the Galactic Civil War.

Dorenia System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Dorenia

Dorenia was known for its production of an unique musical instrument known as a Dorenien Beshniquel.

H’nemthe System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o H’nemthe

§ three unnamed moons

H’nemthe was a heavily forested moon and homeworld of the reptilian-avian humanoid species of the same name. The H’nemthe practiced a form of direct democracy and their culture saw their females rarely leave the planet. Through much of the planet’s history it remained independent, only momentarily falling under Imperial jurisdiction, before joining the Galactic Alliance around 40 ABY.

Ihopek System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Ihopek

During the Galactic Civil War, Ihopek was evacuated by the Empire following their defeat at the Battle of Endor. During the evacuation, one of their destroyers was destroyed from internal explosions, providing the Rebels – and later the New Republic – with key Imperial military information.

Kabal System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Kabal

An aquatic world littered with forested archipelagos, Kabal was a Republic member until the onset of the Clone Wars. The Trade Federation manufactured a food shortage crisis to convince its populace to support secession from the Republic, citing unfair taxation to justify the exit. The deception paid off and Kabal joined the Separatist movement. During the Galactic Civil War, Kabal remained neutral, though maintained a loose trade agreement with the Empire. The same arrangement occurred with the New Republic, never confirming full membership status.

Mayagil System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: Mayagil

· Orbits: none

Despite being the namesake of the sector, Mayagil is an empty system with little galactic travel.

Narth System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Narth

Along with Ihopek, Narth was another Imperial world evacuated shortly after their loss at the Battle of Endor.

Nezni System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: Nezni

· Orbits:

o Corvalis (space station)

o Henlon Station

Despite being void of any natural orbits, the system does have two space stations. The Corvalis was a colony ship repurposed as a supply depot. The station was attacked, causing damage and fatalities, by the Hurrim pirate group after they double-crossed the Rebel Alliance to plunder the station.

Henlon Station was an Imperial customs station, which also came under attack by the Rebel Alliance and their false allies, the Hurrim. Despite this betrayal, the Rebels still left with some supplies, possibly tarnishing their name in the sector.

Oetrago System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Oetrago

A terrestrial world predominately made up of rainforests, Oetrago fell in Separatist territory during the Clone Wars. Follow the war, it remained neutral. During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, Oetrago was settled by Ithorian refugees fleeing the destruction of Ithor.

Taborin System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: Taborin

· Orbits: none

Taborin was an empty system with little recorded galactic traffic.

Tolig System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Tolig IV

§ Junkyard Control (space station)

An Imperial world, Tolig IV served as a scrapyard for the Empire.

Triton System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: Triton

· Orbits:

o Triton

§ three unnamed moons/satellites

Home to the insectoid Tritonite species, Triton was a desert world barely habitable. During the Clone Wars, Triton and its moons were occupied by Separatist forces, eventually being the site of a Republic invasion.

Vedis System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Vedis IV

Little is known about Vedis IV, other than it being a planet that smugglers like to frequent.

Virmeude System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Virmeude

A frigid world covered by a tundra, Virmeude’s residents was a Rebel Alliance base masquerading as the Issham Mining Corporation’s headquarters.

Xagobah System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Xagobah

§ three unnamed moons/satellites

Seen as a purple orb from space, Xagobah’s predominant terrain was swamps, jungles, and fungal forests, which gave off spores and pollen that contributed to its misty purplish hue. Home to the reptilian Xamster species, Xagobah originally a Republic world, however when the Techno Union became the primary organization on the planet, they forced the natives to join the Separatists. The Republic would eventually liberate the planet, only to be replaced by the Empire a year later.

Zhotta System (M-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Zhotta 3

A Separatist world during the Clone Wars, Zhotta 3 joined the Rebel Alliance shortly after the Battle of Endor, thanks to the diplomacy of Han Solo, and later accepted membership in the New Republic.

Reyniu System (N-18)

· Sun/Star: unnamed

· Orbits:

o Reyniu

Landscaped by large arid plains, the major continents were separated by small ocean bands. Historically aligned with Eriadu, Reyniu was sanctioned by them when they aligned with the Separatists, destroying their tourism.

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