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  • Jason Dietzel

Touring the Galaxy: Noolian Sector

Dressel System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Dressel

o   Dressel Asteroid Belt

Homeworld of the humanoid Dressellian mammalian species, Dressel was a temperate world of forests, savannahs, and rainforests situated on small continents and large island archipelagos surrounded by vast seas and oceans.


Discovered by Bothan scouts around 200 BBY, Dressel remained neutral until it was occupied by Imperial forces in 10 BBY, leading to the Dressellians fiercely supporting the Rebel Alliance and subsequent New Republic. Dressel was temporarily occupied by Yuuzhan Vong forces before returning to the Galactic Alliance.   


Feraleech System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Feraleech

Feraleech was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.


Nooli System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Nooli

Nooli was a remote world that joined the CIS during the Clone Wars. Following the war, Nooli remained one of the last Separatist holdouts until it was conquered by Imperial forces during the early years of the Galactic Civil War.


Ursellin System (Q-13)

·        Sun/Star: unnamed

·        Orbits:

o   Ursellin

Ursellin was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic.

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