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TSF Releases major Announcement For 2022

Today the Star Wars Legends themed charity Twin Suns Foundation made some major announcements. A statement was made by President Brian Borg on their Facebook Page, as well as a statement by Vice President Dylan Kling on the most recent A More Civilized Age podcast, and a press release on their website. In these statements they announced that they will not be attending next year's Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim.

Their reasons mainly stemmed from the fact that the convention is less than 6 months away, and they have not received any communication with Lucasfilm about the status of the fan tables. Additionally they mentioned the fact that the short 6 month window is too brief to logistically put together any convention presence that would be up to their standards, as well as the inability to turn their presence at the convention into a donation event. They did however announce that the two remaining donation events that have been on hold for the last year have been passed off to new volunteers and should be completed within the next couple months. They also outlined a tentative plan for 2022 that would include 2 smaller book drive fundraisers, and a potential third that would be on the scale that they are more accustomed to.

You can read and listen to the aforementioned statements and press releases at the above links. You can also support Twin Suns at their website


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