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  • Round 2 (Part 1) Poll

  • Outer Rim Round 1 Poll

  • Mid Rim Round 1 Poll

  • A Celebration of the Amazing Women of the Expanded Universe

    From the very beginning, Star Wars has been a trailblazer for strong and independent women in media, starting of course with our beloved Leia Organa, played magnificently by the late Carrie Fisher, she was a breath of fresh air in a time when women on screen were almost always the damsel in distress, wailing away while the hero came to their aid. Leia was an instant icon and showed that not only could she stand equal to her male counterparts but even lead them, as she is a pivotal leader in the Rebel Alliance and later Chief of State of the New Republic as well as a powerful Jedi Knight. The EU continues this trend of powerful women when we are introduced to some of the greatest written female characters in pop culture, most notably, the legendary Mara Jade. Mara was a groundbreaking character for the EU and is one of the most popular Star Wars characters ever and for good reason, she is fierce, fiery and stubbornly independent as well as incredibly powerful. Jaina Solo is another fantastic woman in the EU, she is a personal role model for me and has an amazing and complex story. Jaina is powerful, independent and just an all around badass. These aren’t the only phenomenal women in the EU and this article would be 100 pages or more if I talked about them all but we have so many great women in the EU with amazing stories like Bastila Shan, Jan Ors, Juno Eclipse, Tahiri Veila, Tenel Ka, Mirax Horn, Mirta Gev and so many more! This is one of the greatest things about Star Wars, it was ahead of its time and I am forever thankful to George Lucas and the amazing authors of the EU who created and shaped these amazing characters. The Expanded Universe is for everyone and it is so awesome to have amazing female characters that we get so emotionally invested in and just adore. Happy International Women’s Day and May the Force be with you!

  • Inner Rim Round 1 Poll

  • Star Wars Unlimited: Why I Will Likely Not Buy the Game & How It Could Be Improved to Make Me Buy It

    In May of 2023 Fantasy Flight Games announced its new trading card game, titled “Star Wars Unlimited.”  The game, which has been reported to be in the works for several years, is the third true card game Fantasy Flight has released under its Star Wars license.  Unlimited will be the successor to the Expanded Universe-based Star Wars LCG, and the canon-based Star Wars Destiny.  While the prior two games included features not typical for a traditional trading card game such as lacking randomized cards in its product line in the former and including dice in the latter, Star Wars Unlimited goes back to basics of what people conventionally expect in a card game with players having to open packs and creating a 50 card deck to play with.  Star Wars Unlimited is scheduled for release March 8th with prelease events scheduled the week prior to the main release. The first expansion for the game will be called “Spark of Rebellion” and include characters and other elements from the films, television shows, comics, and video games.  The cards themselves will not feature any images from the films or original shows (likely due to Topps owning the licensing rights to those images for trading card products) but will instead feature original color sketch art. Images from most of the 252 cards in the set have been leaked on the Star Wars Unlimited website and include Thrawn, Rukh, Krell, Starvipers, Z-95 Headhunters, and a few other named capital ships which have their origins in the EU. Unfortunately, all indications are that those elements from outside of the films will be from the rebooted canon universe rather than the Expanded Universe.  While there are some obvious callbacks to cards from the WOTC Star Wars TCG and Decipher’s Star Wars CCG, the gameplay of Star Wars Unlimited is very different. Deckbuilding appears to consist of including one “leader” card, one “base” card and then deploying cards to the field to fight similar to Magic: The Gathering and so far, I am not impressed.  With the continued popularity that Decipher’s 1995-2001 CCG still holds, its puzzling to me why they didn’t chose to incorporate the playstyle and feel of the CCG into Unlimited.  It’s always been important to me to have a Star Wars game that is true to its own universe and doesn’t have units from different factions fighting on the same side.  The CCG ensured this by having players stick to playing a deck of entirely dark side cards against a deck of entirely light side cards. The fact that Destiny can have a leader from any faction and units of different eras defending any random planet as its premise for gameplay appears lore-breaking to me. It should feel like the events of the game could realistically occur in the Star Wars universe and as far as I can tell this game misses the mark here. I’m also appalled by some of the cartoony style artwork that looks like it belongs in Star Wars Tales rather than the cards of the premiere set of Unlimited. The visual element in a card game is very important for both players and collectors and if this game is going to stay around for long they should explore ways to get the rights to use live action artwork. In fact, because this lacks live action images, it does not appear to use anything from the recent Disney+ shows and instead has to fall back on lore elements from Rebels and Rogue One, both of which our quite old at this point. I’m not sure who the target audience for this game is because for collectors, the recent success Topps has had with their live action image cards has been from the Disney+ shows and players should expect the same from a Star Wars card game.  However, the Expanded Universe has a wealth of art and lore to draw from and if FFG cannot obtain the rights from the Disney+ material, the EU would be a great alternative to base their game around.  Factions could include the Yuuzhan Vong, Chiss, Hapans, Hutts, Black Sun, Galactic Alliance, Imperial Remnant, etc. and the game could be further broken out into different eras to keep the lore of the gameplay sound and consistent with the universe. But since Unlimited is stuck using only limited canon material interest in the game seems to be suffering as a result.  In my local metro area there aren’t any prerelease events scheduled nearby, with the nearest being nearly 40 miles away.  In mentioning Unlimited to my local game store owner, he told me I was only one of a few people interested in it and he was unsure about ordering Unlimited products for the store.  Mind you, this game store has both a very active Star Wars fanbase on the miniatures front with X-Wing and Shatterpoint and a very active trading card game clientele. For a new card game to catch on there needs to be greater interest from the onset and although FFG has high hopes for this game including several sets already planned out, I’m not sure the interest is widespread enough.  The products available for purchase are comprised of $4.99 16-card booster packs and a 2-player starter set for $34.99 which includes two 50-card decks with 10 exclusive cards to the starter set. Individual prerelease play kits are $29.99 each and locations of stores holding events are available on the Star Wars Unlimited website. At this point I don’t plan to drive 40 miles to find a game store holding a prerelease event.  If Star Wars Unlimited can’t draw in star wars fans who also happen to be trading card fans the game will not succeed. Time will tell if the game does well but I would urge those at FFG designing the game to look to the Expanded Universe and the Decipher Star Wars CCG for inspiration and a template for how a great card game is made.  Of course, card game design has come a long way in 29 years but the most important element is that the gameplay feels true to Star Wars. When West End Game’s first created their role-playing games it provided a style guide to players that laid the groundwork for what should and shouldn’t be allowed in gameplay. Decipher also used these principles for its game, and although some rules elements of the CCG are clunky it feels closer to playing out an authentic Star Wars adventure than playing a card game.  Star Wars Unlimited should take this to heart.

  • EU March Madness Bracket 2024!

    Who will you pick to win?

  • So you wanna (Re) Collect the Expanded Universe

    By: Adam Bryant Edited by Kelsey Bryant A couple of years back, I embarked on a mission that would take me across the galaxies of the internet and to bookstores near and far on our planet, saving as many credits for the task as possible along the way. The mission? To collect every single novel in the expanded universe timeline. Specifically, I searched for every book printed in mass market paperback format to save what I could of my dollars, though saving money was no easy task. There are at least 150 mass paperback novels, and that doesn’t include young adult and children’s books! Needless to say, used bookstores and eBay became my best friends. After a few months, plus a few excessive credit card payments late, I finally achieved my goal. Except for two books (Dawn of the Jedi and Crucible) all of my novels were in paperback or mass market paperback. The other two, at the very least, made for excellent bookends. At last, my collecting journey was complete! . . . Or so I thought. For a long time, I was happy with what I had. After a while though, I would stare at my bookshelf thoughtfully. I was happy to have saved credits by collecting paperbacks, but personally, I’m more of a hardcover man. I like the look and extra durability that comes with hardcovers, and I find reading the larger hardcovers to make for a more pleasant reading experience than the small texts of 5x8 paperbacks. A few bookstore trips later I found a couple of novels in hardback and then, the collector in me reemerged. My new mission: to collect the entire EU in hardback! It’s an ongoing journey that I have embarked on for the past year, and so far, it’s been quite the adventure. I have collected 95 of the main EU books in hardcover, not counting the graphic novels I managed to collect in hardcover such as Dark Empire or Legacy. However, I’ve also learned that there’s a price to pay when you (like me) seek to make your entire bookshelf one consistent size and format. Aside from the obvious credits involved, I’ve also learned that most of the EU was printed in either the 1st edition or Science Fiction Book Club edition. Some EU books were NEVER printed in hardcover, and some are almost impossible to collect due to price, or availability. If you, like me, are thinking of collecting the EU books in hardcover, here are a few things to keep in mind that I wish I would have known before embarking on this journey! Keep your Expectations Realistic- Dreaming of a bookshelf where all books are the same size, sadly just won’t happen. Regardless of which format you’re collecting in, there’s going to be limitations. While many EU novels received a 1st edition print, there’s also many that were only printed in SFBC format such as Yoda Dark: Rendezvous, and several of the books in the New Jedi Order series. Used bookstores are by far my preferred method of collecting these hardcovers. Not only can you usually get a better deal on price, but you get to see the quality and format before spending your credits. Simply put, you know what you’re paying for. While there are certain books you can only find on Amazon or Ebay, the descriptions are often misleading. The biggest issue I have run into is incorrect measurements listed in the descriptions. I have been looking most particularly for 1st edition size, and there are books I have ordered specifically because the measurements in the listing were consistent with 1st edition sizing. For example, when I collected the Darth Bane trilogy, two of the books came to me as SFBC while the last one was a 1st edition print. That doesn’t exactly make for a consistent bookshelf! Sadly, this was not the first or the last time something like that happened, and sellers are not always too quick to respond to grievances (that is, if they respond at all). However, through the journey, I’ve come to realize that bookshelf with entirely consistent sizing sadly is an impossibility. While it’s frustrating to get the wrong edition, I’m also grateful just to get these books as they can be incredibly expensive if you don’t find a great deal. Which brings me to my next point . . . Be prepared to pay- Collecting the Star Wars EU in hardcover costs some serious credits, and remember, “credits will do fine!” Too often the one book I’ve needed to complete a trilogy or series has been the most expensive. One example of this is the new Jedi Order series where, sadly, most of the books available in hardcover are the most expensive, such as Dark Journey and The Final Prophecy. The same can be said for the Legacy of the Force series. And sadly, it’s not as easy as winning a pod race to win the credits you need. This may require bargaining on eBay or visiting or calling places like Half Price Books and checking availability at their different locations. One of the more cost-efficient methods is to buy a copy that was a “former library” book. However, this strategy often results in sacrificing book quality for a cheaper price. While it’s not impossible to do, collecting EU hardcovers is not for the faint of heart, which incidentally, leads to my next point. Do, or Do Not- As it was most famously said by Master Yoda, “Do, or do not. There is no try!” Now I am not in any way suggesting to NOT read or collect the Star Wars EU. However, the EU story was discontinued after the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm. The hardcovers are also in short supply, which is why so many of them are rare and consequently, expensive. The hardcovers are amazing and will make your bookshelves shine like the glow of a lightsaber, but for those of you that just want to own the books for the purposes of reading them, the EU is more available and affordable in digital or mass market paperback format. While I’m not much of a digital reader myself, I certainly can’t deny the convenience of having more free space! Speaking of which, there have been some EU books released recently reprinted in paperback form, with covers labeled as the “Essential Legends” collection. While I have mixed feelings about the artwork myself, if that style appeals to you, that’s another type you can collect. However, if none of my own cautions have deterred you from collecting the hardcovers for yourself, then in the words of Han Solo- “Punch it!” While it is challenging, it’s not impossible to collect the EU in hardcover. And hey, who doesn’t enjoy a good challenge, right? Personally, I’m going to continue with it for as long as I possibly can (or for as much as I can possibly afford)! When I read this series, it brings me back to my childhood from when I first saw these films, and at least for me, the story feels like a more accurate continuation of the first films. Again, if you’d like to collect all or at least some of the EU in hardcover then you better prepare to jump into hyperspace. Whatever method you decide, whether it’s hardcover, paperback, digital or a mix of all three- keep collecting the EU!

  • Touring the Galaxy: Hune Sector

    D’faria System (Q-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   D’faria Homeworld of the D’farians, D’faria was a remote world that joined the New Republic during the Galactic Civil War. During the Caamas Document crisis in 19 ABY, D’faria allied with their nearby Bothan neighbors. Morado System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Morado Morado was a remote Republic world that came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War. Parcovey Minor System (Q-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Parcovey Minor Originally colonized by Republic settlers by 15,000 BBY, Parcovey Minor was a remote world that came into conflict with the Hutt Cartels, who believed the planet was part of their territory. Though being separates from the Republic, the planet’s milia groups were successful at defending their independence from the invading Hutt forces. Millennia later, during the Pius Dea Crusades that started in approximately 12,000 BBY, Parcovey Minor joined the Republic and became a key staging point for the Republic Navy to launch assaults into Hutt Space.

  • How to Make your own Expanded Universe Posters

    In this article, I’ll walk through the very simple process of making your own, high quality Expanded Universe posters! This will also work with really any image you can find! Here’s what you’ll need: ● Smartphone, Tablet or Computer ● Any image of your choosing ● The Walgreens app (if you are using a phone or tablet) So what you wanna do first is select your image, find any piece of EU artwork you want, make sure to try and find the highest definition image possible or else the poster could turn out grainy. Next you’ll wanna open up the Walgreens app or website and find their PHOTOS tab, after that, go to the section of photos labeled as Canvas and Decor, in that section you will come across a few different photo options but the one you want is labeled Posters. Once you select the posters format, it will pull up a list of size options for your poster, this is completely your choice, you can pick whichever size works best for your wall. Each poster size is going to be a different price, with 11x14 being the cheapest and 24x36 being the most expensive. Once you have selected your poster size, it will give you the option to select which photo you want from your camera roll or your computer files. Make sure when you select your picture, it is cropped exactly how you want it to be before proceeding to the next steps. After completing the photo selection and cropping, it will show you your total and you can add your poster to your cart. Now there is ways to get a cheaper price on making your own posters, if you simply look up “Walgreens print coupons” you will be able to find official Walgreens promo codes to give you various percentages of money off your print, this is super helpful if you are looking to save a few bucks. Once you are all finished and your poster is in your cart, you can select which Walgreens in your area you wish to pick it up at. The employees will print it for you and you will receive an email when it is finished and when you can pick it up. You can also pay in cash or card when you go to pick it up, you do not have to pay for it over the internet, which is a plus. I hope this tutorial works for everyone and you make some awesome EU posters as I have! If you have any questions or concerns about the process, feel free to email me

  • Touring the Galaxy: Oktos Sector

    Dakaret System (Q-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   eight unnamed planets (presumably Dakaret I-XIII) o   Dakaret IX Dakaret was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Mhalanduin System (R-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Mhalanduin Mhalanduin was a remote system that went through a government reformation around 0 BBY, but little was known about its nature given its remote location in the galaxy. Nirellia System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Nirellia Nirellia was a remote planet that saw little galactic traffic. Ord Wylan System (R-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ord Wylan A minor Republic world at the edge of its territory, Ord Wylan served as an ordnance depot and military outpost during the Pius Dea Crusades against the Hutt Cartels from 12,000 to 11,000 BBY. Ruloosia System (R-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ruloosia Ruloosia was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Esaga Sector

    Aloxor System (R-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Aloxor Aloxor was a remote planet that joined the Galactic Alliance in 44 ABY. Cygnus B System (R-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   multiple unnamed planets Nestled close to Hutt Space, the Cygnus B system was originally controlled by the Hutt Cartels during the time of the Xim War in 25,102 BBY. Following the war and retraction of Hutt territory, the system gained independence and became the Cygnus Star Empire, remaining so throughout the rest of galactic history. Esaga System (R-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Esaga A remote frontier world situated between Republic and Hutt territory, Esaga was a colony targeted for cession by the Republic during the Pius Dea Crusades circa 12,000-11,000 BBY. Beyond these early campaigns, the planet shifted allegiance many times in galactic history. Freda System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Freda Homeworld of the Freda species, Freda was a remote world under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Jante System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Jante Homeworld of the Jante species, Jante was a remote world under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Miko System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Miko Miko was a remote world under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Ord Yndar System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ord Yndar A minor Republic world along its frontier, Ord Yndar served as an ordnance depot and military outpost during the Pius Dea Crusades against the Hutt Cartels circa 11,965 BBY. Peridon’s Folly System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Peridon’s Folly A remote barren world, Peridon’s Folly was controlled by arms dealers selling weapons to local crime lords. Rettna System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Rett I o   Rett II Both planets were Jante colonies, with Rett II being a larger mining colony. During the Galactic Civil War, hostilities erupted between the Jante and Freda after the mining facilities were attacked on Rett II. Imperial forces were called in to broker a ceasefire to the war, resulting in both planets coming under Imperial rule.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Kurost Sector

    Farquar System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Farquar III Farquar III was a remote world utilized by the Separatists as a droid production facility during the Clone Wars. Kurost System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Kurost Kurost was a remote system controlled by the merchant class. The system remained neutral in galactic affairs. Nanth’ri System (Q-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Nanth’ri o   Foundry (space station) An ancient world originally settled by humans and conquered by the Infinite Empire, Nanth’ri joined the Republic as early as 20,000 BBY. Coming under Sith and Hutt jurisdiction at various times in its history, Nanth’ri eventually was occupied by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet eventually became a New Republic fortress world, briefly being subjugated by Yuuzhan Vong forces until liberated by the reconstituted Galactic Alliance. Roughly a century later, Nanth’ri was a Sith world under Darth Krayt’s empire. Built into a stray asteroid, the Rakatan station Foundry was abandoned for centuries following the collapse of the Infinite Empire. Discovered by Darth Revan during his assault on the galaxy during the Jedi Civil War, the facility was eventually absorbed into Darth Vitiate’s “True” Sith Empire roughly three centuries later. Peluchia System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Peluchia Peluchia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Prospera Jang System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Prospera Jang Prospera Jang was a remote world that came under nominal control of a Republic commerce guild about a decade before the Clone Wars. Sev Tok System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Sev Tok Sev Tok was a minor world in the sector. During the Clone Wars, the planet came under Separatist control. Thulia System (Q-12) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Thulia Thulia was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Teraab Sector

    Averill System (P-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Averill Averill was a minor Imperial world utilized during the Galactic Civil War as a mining colony to produce capital ships. Danalbeth System (P-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Danalbeth Postulated to be the homeworld of the aquatic Graygl species before the planet suffered a cataclysm circa 5,000 BBY, Danalbeth was an oceanic world that remained abandoned of sentient life following its ecological calamity. Drogheda System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Drogheda A terrestrial world of vast mountain ranges and forests, Drogheda was abundant in natural resources, leading to the development of a robust mining industry. Initially controlled by the Hutt Cartels, Drogheda remaining neutral for most of its history, despite attempts by Rebel agents to aid revolutionary forces to remove the monarchy during the Galactic Civil War. Hoth’s Brand/Ruusan System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: o   Hoth’s Brand o   Petja ·        Orbits: o   Pernicar o   Charny §  two unnamed moon/satellites o   Ruusan §  two unnamed moons/satellites (presumably Ruusan 1 & 3) §  Ruusan 2 o   Turpimir §  one unnamed moon/satellite o   Farfalla’s Diamonds asteroid belt o   Zor Vlahu §  22 unnamed moons/satellites o   Myl Vlahu §  11 unnamed moons/satellites o   Saleeh §  13 unnamed moons/satellites o   Gale §  two unnamed moons/satellites o   Othone Most of the planets in the system were uninhabited worlds: Pernicar, Charny, and Turpimir were barren, scorched rocks; Zor Vlahu, Myl Vlahu, and Saleeh were gas giants; and the outer two planets were ice worlds. Ruusan 2 was a barren moon with turbulent storms, though was briefly occupied by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars until the remote listening facility was destroyed.The primary planet in the system, Ruusan was originally a lush world of forests, mountain ranges, river tributaries, oceans, and plains. Being rich in natural resources, the planet developed a sizable ore and mineral mining industry. Colonized as early as 15,000 BBY, Ruusan became a minor Republic world controlled by the Mining Guild. Over the millennia, as the mines slowly dried up, the industry shifted to other worlds in the sector, leaving the dwindling population to invest in farming. During the trailing years of the New Sith Wars, Ruusan came under control of the New Sith Empire and became the focal point of the climactic battle of that millennia-long war. Following a devastating Force power that was unleashed on the planet, Ruusan was reduced to a barren wasteland, with most of its cities destroyed. Following the war, the Jedi erected a mausoleum to the fallen, and decades later shifting hyperlane routes severed the system from the rest of the galaxy. Forgotten in time, the system was rediscovered by Separatists, who established an outpost on the second moon. Others settled Ruusan in the wake of Order 66, though the system remained largely irrelevant until later in the Galactic Civil War. Ruusan surged in importance roughly a decade after the Battle of Endor as dark Jedi cults associated with the Imperial Remnant attempted to gain access to the lost mausoleums. The Jedi were able to repel the whims of the dark Jedi and the world returned to tranquil isolation until 26 ABY, when it was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong. Istic System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Istic I o   Istic II Homeworld of the Istician species, Istic II was a radiated world rich with natural resources, holding a sizable mining industry. Come the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under Imperial control and its human population was condoned to hunt the Isticians for sport. Pesmenben System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   three unnamed planets (presumably Pesmenben I-III) o   Pesmenben IV Pesmenben IV was an arid, rocky world with large ore deposits. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet was an Imperial mining colony. Tyne’s Horky System (Q-11) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Tyne’s Horky An arid world of deserts and mesas, Tyne’s Horky was rich in ore, generating a sizable mining industry. Prior to the Galactic Civil War, the planet was controlled by the Hutt Cartel; however, with the rise of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the planet came under Imperial jurisdiction.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Trax Sector

    Algunnis System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: Algunnis (binary stars) ·        Orbits: o   Algunnis asteroid belt A remote system, the system was studied by Imperial scientists during the Galactic Civil War, believed to have attracted rogue planets into its orbit before crushing them with gravitational forces, creating the asteroid belt. Bissillirus System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: Bissillirus ·        Orbits: o   Vendred §  one unnamed moon/satellite o   Chule o   Nurstin o   Draenell’s Point §  Unillian o   Outpost The inner two planets, Vendred and Chule, were uninhabited, with the first being a barren world and the latter primarily an arctic world of vast oceans and barren plains. Despite being a barren wasteland, Nurstin did possess small enclaves of mining colonies. A lush world of forests, mountain ranges, oceans, and plains, Draenell’s Point was a minor agriworld in the sector first discovered and colonized in 150 BBY. The planet retained its neutrality until the Galactic Civil War when it aligned with the Galactic Empire to avoid an invasion. The arctic world of Outpost was comprised of frozen ammonia. At some point prior to the Galactic Civil War, an industrial company established a research facility on the planet, though its purpose remained a secret. Bundim System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Bundim Bundim was a remote planet that came under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in 0 ABY, Rebel forces failed to overthrow the Empire garrisoned on the planet. Deysum System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Deysum III The first system discovered in the Trax Sector, Deysum III became an urbanized industrial world early in its history. Over the centuries the planet’s natural resources were depleted and left a barren wasteland. What urban centers remained turned into derelict slums steeped in criminal activity. Deysum III came under Separatist control during the Clone Wars and served as a base for Rebel operatives during the Galactic Civil War. The planet was briefly occupied by Imperial forces but eventually returned to neutrality. Dresscol System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   unnamed planet §  Qetix IV Qetix IV was a remote moon utilized as a Rebel Alliance starfighter repair facility during the Galactic Civil War. Entrus System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Entrus Entrus was a minor oceanic world that came under Rebel control during the Galactic Civil War. Littered with small island archipelagos, the planet was an entertainment world with resorts scattered across the islands and connected to underwater cities via turbolift networks. Fehern System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Fehern Homeworld of the Eddelian species, Fehern was a minor Republic world until it was subjugated as slaves by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Genian System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Genian Homeworld of a species by the same name, Genian was an arid world of barren plains and mountain ranges. The planet had a sizable corporate and banking industry in the sector. During the Clone Wars, the planet remained neutral to capitalize off both sides in the conflict. Jhensrus System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Jhensrus Jhensrus was a remote jungle world that housed a population of colonists come the time of the Galactic Civil War. Lexrul System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Lexrul Lexrul was a minor, urbanized planet in the sector. It remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War. Longwind System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Longwind Originally colonized by former Republic criminals several decades before the Galactic Civil War, the planet became a regional textile and agriworld during the Galactic Civil War, aligning with the Rebel Alliance. Saurton System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: Saurton ·        Orbits: o   Essowyn §  four unnamed moons/satellites o   Kanawyn Belt o   Greawyn Belt Homeworld of the bipedal Saurton reptilian species, Essowyn was primarily an oceanic world with small continents of temperate forests, mountain ranges, and plains scattered across its face. Due to its volatile weather and meteor strikes, most of the planet’s urban areas were subterranean. Both belts contained sizable mining operations. Uogo’cor System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Uogo’cor o   several unnamed gas giants Homeworld of the Uogo species, Uogo’cor was controlled by pirate groups for centuries until it came under Separatist control during the Clone Wars. In the subsequent Galactic Civil War, the planet was conquered by Imperial forces and eventually fell to the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy in 25 ABY. Vellity System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Vellity Homeworld of the near-human Borneck species, Vellity was an agriworld with rolling plains and small urban cities. Ventil System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ventil Ventil was a minor system in the sector. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance utilized their spaceports to dock their capital ships in the region. Wellte-ir System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Bresnan Bresnan was a remote world that was the site of an Imperial massacre during the Galactic Civil War. Space Station Trenchant Located in a remote part of the sector, Space Station Trenchant contained rare relics, live specimens, and various collections. The station attracted artifact collectors from across the galaxy. PDC3141-02 System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   PDC3141-02 PDC3141-02 was a remote planetoid exploited by the Trade Federation in the centuries leading up to the Clone Wars. The federation was investigated many times for the illegal dumping of radioactive material on the planet. The planetoid was nominally represented in the Galactic Republic.

  • A True Love Story

    There was no greater love story in the Expanded Universe than Han and Leia. Over the course of their time together after the events of Return of the Jedi their love for each other only grows stronger with each passing year. There relationship turned into an attempted elopement at first in the Jedi Prince series, later it became a contest of courtship as Han fought against a Prince with a promising offer to the New Republic, who in exchange wanted the hand of Leia's in marriage. This story written by the late great Dave Wolverton, would give Leia her choice of the ideal husband she might have married had her life on Alderaan had not altered her life forever. In choosing Han she proved to herself (and the reader) who truly held a place in her heart. And after their marriage, it would only grow from there. The next big event in their life would be the birth of their children. Jacen and Jaina and a few years later, young Anakin. Han learned the Smuggling life that he thought gave him freedom was nothing but a lonely life he was lucky to escape. Leia in return learned there was more than just a politician and had her husband's support in whatever interest she choose to pursue. Tragedy would eventually strike their family. First the death of Chewbacca which came close to breaking Han permanently. Instead of smothering him with love Leia knew the right steps were to let her husband work out his issues on his own while all the while keeping a firm eye on his welfare to ensure things never got too out of hand. Over time, Han healed and loved Leia even more for all she had done for him in his time of mourning. When the death of their youngest son dealt a brutal blow to them both, Han was adamant that he would be there for Leia as she was with him earlier. He wasn't going to leave her side and he would give her all the support she needed. Meanwhile in Disney/Lucasfilm's Episode VII film, we discover Han was a deadbeat, who left his wife high and dry after the events of their son falling to the Dark Side. (Way to go! So their story arc in the first trilogy meant nothing I guess.) Back in the EU, and way before the atrocious "Force Awakens" movie, the Solo's would see Jacen become a Sith Lord. There's one scene in Legacy of the Force in particular I just love, and that's when Han's comment about Jacen causes Leia to realize her son is never coming back. Han instantly regrets his words, not because he didn't mean them, but that they had hurt Leia by revealing the truth he thought she'd already known. But even after all the trials and hard times, we read about the Solos love for one another only growing in time. To the loving and somewhat hilarious romantic comments to each other in front of Jaina, to leading up to the novel "Crucible" where Han is in literal tears thinking he's lost Leia. It's a true love story and something to celebrate on such a day as this. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  • Touring the Galaxy: Kastolar Sector

    Archenar System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Archenar asteroid field Archenar was a remote system that was the site of a battle between Republic and Sith forces during the Cold War. Blimph System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Blimph §  Blimph 3 §  at least two unnamed moons/satellites With Blimph being a gas giant, the only inhabited world in the system was the moon Blimph 3. A trade world originally controlled by the Hutts, the moon eventually came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War. Chalacta System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Chalacta Homeworld of the near-human Chalactans, Chalacta was originally a minor Republic world, shifting hands multiple times in galactic history. At some point before the New Sith Wars, the planet briefly came under control of the Hutt Cartels. Toward the end of the New Sith Wars, Chalacta was momentarily held by Sith forces. The planet returned to the Republic until the Clone Wars when it came under Separatist control. Following the war, the planet remained relatively neutral in galactic affairs until being occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. Cols System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Cols Cols was a remote oceanic world that saw little galactic traffic. Durkteel System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Durkteel Adopted homeworld of the Saurin subspecies of Trandoshan, Durkteel was a major agriworld for the region and greater galaxy. Entering galactic affairs as early as 15,000 BBY, Durkteel was controlled by the Hutt Cartels by 5,000 BBY. Roughly a millennia later, the planet was briefly added into the Republic, before coming under Sith control during the conflicts of the Old Sith Wars of that era. During the waning years of the New Sith Wars, Durkteel once again came under Hutt control around 1,004 BBY, only briefly rejoining the Republic until the outbreak of the Clone Wars, when it joined the CIS. The planet initially came under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War, but soon joined the Rebel Alliance, and subsequent New Republic. It wasn’t until 137 ABY when Durkteel came under Sith control of Darth Krayt’s empire. Gavos System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Gavos Gavos was a minor world that came under Hutt control during the Galactic Civil War, settled as a mining colony. Katalla System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ord Gustald Katalla was a minor entertainment and resort world, remaining neutral in galactic affairs. Kwenn System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Kwenn Originally located on the edge of Hutt Space, Kwenn was temporarily control by Sith forces during the waning years of the New Sith Wars. Following the collapse of the New Sith Empire, the planet returned to Hutt occupation until the Galactic Civil War, when it came under Imperial jurisdiction. Later, the planet joined the New Republic until being subjugated by the Yuuzhan Vong in 25 ABY. Mauk System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Mauk Mauk was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic. Moobia System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Moobia Moobia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Ookbat System (O-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ookbat Ookbat was a remote, barren world that saw little galactic traffic. Sabrash System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Sabrash Sabrash was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Sneeve System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Sneeve Homeworld of the humanoid rodent-like Sneevel species, Sneeve was first discovered by Republic scouts around 14,000 BBY, joining the galactic government. The planet remained a Republic world for most of its history, briefly coming under the control of Darth Revan’s Sith Empire roughly ten millennia after its acceptance into the Republic, and by the Hutt Cartels shortly before the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, the planet sided with the Separatists until it was conquered by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Despite the occupation, many Sneevel joined the Rebels, until the planet was subjugated by Yuuzhan Vong forces during their invasion of the galaxy in 25 ABY. Ubrikkia System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ubrikkia A minor industrial world, Ubrikkia originally fell in Hutt Space around 5,000 BBY, temporarily coming under control of Darth Revan’s Sith Empire before declaring neutrality following the retraction of the borders of Hutt Space. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet was an Imperial world until it was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong invaders in 26 ABY. Yitabo System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Yitabo Yitabo was a minor agriworld in the region, remaining neutral throughout most of galactic history. During the Galactic Civil War, Yitabo was marginally under Imperial jurisdiction.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Mytaranor Sector

    Chamble System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Chamble Chamble was a minor Imperial world that manufactured droids during the Galactic Civil War. Eberon System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Eberon Eberon was a minor world in the sector that came into a conflict with Kashyyyk starting in 3,653 BBY. The war was ended three years later when Jedi diplomats assisted in ending the hostilities. Kashyyyk/Hsskassi System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: Kashyyyk ·        Orbits: o   Taakarroo §  one unnamed moon/satellite o   Kallalarra §  three unnamed moons/satellites o   Kashyyyk §  three unnamed moons/satellites o   Gryyyl Asteroid Belt o   Trandosha §  Akoshissss §  Wasskah o   Alaris §  Alaris Prime §  seven unnamed moons/satellites o   Shurr §  14 unnamed moons/satellites o   Kuhurrik §  25 unnamed moons/satellites A massive system, the inner two planets were uninhabitable, with Taakarroo being a seared, barren world, and Kallalarra being a toxic greenhouse world. Likewise, the outer three planets were also uninhabitable, being gas giants, as was the asteroid belt, being void of any valuable resources to mine. Homeworld of the humanoid Wookiee mammal species, Kashyyyk was a lush world of thick forests, towering plateaus, and vast oceans. The first to visit the planet were the mysterious Tho Yor ships, which transported many Force-sensitive Wookiees to the world Tython in the galactic core. Eventually the planet was subjugated as slaves by the Infinite Empire. Upon the retreat of the Rakatan as their empire collapsed, their terraforming machinery was left unchecked, allowing the wroshyr tree forests to grow exceptionally large. The planet remained in isolation for millennia until Czerka Corporation found the world in 4,020 BBY and named it Edean, enslaving the Wookiees. In 3,956 BBY, during the Jedi Civil War, the Wookiees revolted against the corporate enslavers, with the help of the Jedi, eventually joining the Republic following the war. Kashyyyk remained a Republic world until the waning years of the New Sith Wars, when the Sith Empire’s Brotherhood of Darkness conquered the planet. Kashyyyk initially remained neutral during the Clone Wars; however, allied with the Republic following Separatist occupation of Wookiee colonies in the system. During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial subjugation returned slavery to the planet, allowing Wookiees to be sold on slave markets. Kashyyyk regained independence following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, joining the Rebel Alliance and becoming a staunch member of the New Republic and Galactic Alliance during the subsequent galactic wars. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Kashyyyk allied with the Jedi Coalition, following the planet’s bombardment by the Galactic Alliance. About a century later, Kashyyyk was blockaded by the “One” Sith Empire, effectively isolating it from the galaxy. Following the collapse of Darth Krayt’s empire, the planet remained neutral in galactic affairs. Homeworld of the reptilian Trandoshan species, Trandosha was a humid world of jungles, savannahs, forests, mountain ranges, deserts, and seas. Officially joining the Republic around 7,000 BBY, Trandosha didn’t fully integrate itself into the government, remaining more isolationist by the time of the Great Sith War roughly three millennia later. The planet’s loose affiliation with the Republic widened when it helped Czerka Corporation enslave the Wookiees on nearby Kashyyyk, causing a divide between the two species that would last for millennia. During the New Sith Wars, Trandosha attempted to declare neutrality in 1,003 BBY when the Trandoshans attacked both Republic and Sith forces. The plan didn’t fully work, and Trandosha remained in the Republic, but without representation. The planet indirectly supported the CIS via independence groups and pirates, though the bulk of their support of the Separatists was aimed at attacks their rivals on Kashyyyk. Trandosha came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War, allowing its people to re-engage in the slave trade, though some small groups favored joining the New Republic. Trandosha remained relatively neutral during the Yuuzhan Vong War and Second Galactic Civil War, evading most of the devastation of the two conflicts. The planet saw a boom in economic growth roughly a century later, when the planet became the main hub of commerce in the sector following Darth Krayt’s blockade of Kashyyyk. The Trandoshans used the influx in wealth to upgrade their cities and military, becoming a significant galactic power. Alaris Prime went unnoticed for much of galactic history. In 1,003 BBY, the moon was the site of a battle between Republic and Sith forces during the New Sith Wars; however, the moon wasn’t colonized by the Wookiees until 59 BBY. Decades later, Separatist forces failed multiple times to take the moon, despite fading relations between the Republic and the Wookiees. Alaris Prime was captured by Imperial forces and repurposed as a slave processing center with the help of the Trandoshan. Eventually, Alaris Prime followed suit with the political pursuits of Kashyyyk. Kwookrrr System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Kwookrrr A minor world in the sector, Kwookrrr was originally a Wookiee colony before becoming an Imperial penal site for slave labor in factories and farms during the Galactic Civil War. Messert System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Messert Despite being a minor astronomical object smaller than a dwarf planet, Messert was the financial hub for the sector. Mytaranor System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Mytaranor A drab industrial world, Mytaranor was a minor world in the sector with a thriving black market that sold slaves out of its many shadowports, and worked closely with Imperial and Trandoshan slavers during the Galactic Civil War. Ord Gustald System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ord Gustald Ord Gustald was a minor Republic regional outpost on the edge of Republic space by 12,000 BBY. Ota System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ota Homeworld of the sentient species only known as the “Old Ones,” Ota was a frozen world of arctic plains, glaciers, and snowy mountain ranges. Eventually the indigenous species evolved into the less intelligent primate Snogar species. During the last decades of the Republic, wealthy investors attempted to establish mining operations on the planet, but the frigid climate dissuaded the expeditions from continuing. During the Galactic Civil War, Rebel agents visited the remote planet and helped the primitive Snogar repair their cities’ heating systems. Rakhuuun System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Rakhuuun Rakhuuun was a minor world in the sector that was colonized by Wookiees, establishing a small industry around the manufacturing of light freighters and yachts. Randon System (Q-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Randon A major economic hub in the sector and region, Randon was an urbanized world teeming with corporate grounds and bustling business districts. Enjoying neutrality for most of its history, the planet did come under Sith control during the Great Sith War, in 3,996 BBY, and the Jedi Civil War four decades later. Randon aligned with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, helping invest in their war effort, and eventually joined the New Republic during the later years of the Galactic Civil War. The planet was occupied by Yuuzhan Vong forces shortly after their campaign in Hutt Space, during their invasion of the galaxy circa 25 ABY. Skuumaa System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: Skuumaa ·        Orbits: none Skuumaa was an empty system located in a remote part of the sector. During the Clone Wars, the system was patrolled by the Republic to intercept Separatist movement not along hyperlane routes. Tholatin System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Tholatin Tholatin was a minor world in the sector that enjoyed nominal independence for most of its history. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet was momentarily occupied, but eventually joined the Galactic Alliance. Torn Station System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: none Littered with loose comets and asteroids, the system contained Torn Station, a refueling depot, hyperlane waypoint, and hideout for pirates, smugglers, slavers, and other derelicts.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Terr'Skiar Sector

    Coachelle System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Coachelle Prime o   Coachelle II o   Coachelle III o   Coachelle IV o   Coachelle V o   Coachelle Belt Homeworld of the rabbit-like Lepi species, Coachelle Prime was a world of hot swamps and marshes, forcing the indigenous residents to construct massive underground warrens to grow their civilization. Eventually the Lepi expanded into the rest of the system, colonizing the other four planets in the system, along with the asteroid belt; however, the system remained neutral in galactic affairs. Kyyr System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: Thornhedge Pulsar ·        Orbits: none Little is known about the system, despite being situated along a major hyperlane route. In 4,000 BBY, the star went supernova, severing the hyperlane route, and creating the Thornhedge Nebula centered around the former star. New Apsolon System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   New Apsolon Originally known as Apsolon when it was a Sith world during the Great Sith War in 3,996 BBY, the planet remained a neutral totalitarian government until joining the Republic during its waning decades before the Clone Wars, renaming itself New Apsolon following a revolution. During the Clone Wars, it seceded to join the CIS. Pizilis System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Pizilis §  several unnamed moons/satellites Located in a remote system, Pizilis was a gas giant with multiple inhabited moons with temperate climates. Quas Killam System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Quas Killam Homeworld of the Killam species, Quas Killam was a minor mining and weapons manufacturing world for the Republic until the Clone Wars, when it was eventually conquered by Separatist forces. Rorgam System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Rorgam Rorgam was a remote world often settled by immigrants seeking refuge from the various galactic conflicts. Terr’skiar System (P-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Terr’skiar Capital of the sector, Terr’skiar was a major trade world for the region and for the various galactic governments.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Lantillian Sector

    Avenelle System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Avenelle Situated along a major hyperlane route, Avenelle was a minor planet in the sector, utilized as a retirement destination, or as a waypoint for travelers to rest. Bynarria System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Bynarria Bynarria was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Dulathia System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Dulathia Dulathia was a remote world that initially came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War; however, in 8 ABY, the planet was retaken by the New Republic. Gizer System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Gizer Gizer was a minor world in the sector, its industry centered around the manufacturing of civilian transport freighters. Lantillies System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Lantillies First discovered by Republic scouts as early as 25,000 BBY, Lantillies became a key planet in the Tionese War between Republic and Tionese forces. The planet shifted hands multiple times in the war, but ultimately remained in Republic hands in the aftermath of their victory. Over the millennia, Lantillies became a major Republic world, growing its industry around a vast orbital shipyard network that produced starships for the galaxy. The planet reprised its role as a key planet for the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars, defending the region from a Mandalorian assault. The planet served as the headquarters of Republic’s Twelfth Army during the Clone Wars, defending the region from Separatists attacks. During the Galactic Civil War, Lantillies initially remained neutral, but allied with the New Republic by 5 ABY, becoming a stronghold for the government during the Yuuzhan Vong War decades later. Nazzri System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Nazzri Homeworld of the bipedal equine Nazzar species, Nazzri was a Republic world by 17,000 BBY. Throughout the various Alsakan Conflicts that disrupted the Republic over the millennia, Nazzri was one of many key worlds in the region contested over between Coruscant and Alsakan. During the Great Hyperspace War in 5,000 BBY, Nazzri was a primary military contributor to the Republic war effort against the Sith Empire. The planet briefly came under Sith control of Darth Revan’s Sith Empire roughly eleven centuries later, but following the conflict returned to the Republic, though more isolationist in nature. Nazzri remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, but by the time of the Galactic Civil War and the rise of the Galactic Empire, remained neutral in both the war and the subsequent Yuuzhan Vong War, refusing to accept invitations to join either the New Republic, or its reconstituted successor, the Galactic Alliance. New Ralltiir System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   New Ralltiir New Ralltiir was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Onderia System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Onderia Onderia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Phaseera System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Phaseera A minor Republic manufacturing world, Phaseera was a planet of swathes of jungles, along with regions of valleys and plateaus. During the waning years of the New Sith Wars, the planet was attacked and occupied Sith forces. Tarivo System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   two unnamed planets (presumably Tarivo I & II) o   Tarivo III Tarivo was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Uyter System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Uyter A minor Republic agriworld in the region, Uyter came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War. It wasn’t until the Yuuzhan Vong War started in 25 ABY when the planet joined the New Republic.

  • The Tragedy of Abeloth

    Fate of the Jedi introduced us to an intriguing villain in the form of Abeloth but is she really as bad as the likes of Palpatine and other dark beings of the universe? Long ago, Abeloth was once a mortal woman who wound up among The Ones, over time she became known as the Mother to the Son and Daughter and became a wife to the Father. Where the Son and Daughter represented Dark and Light respectively, the Father represented Balance and the mortal woman we would know later on as Abeloth, represented Love. Eventually the Mother would grow old and weak while her immortal family thrived, as the story goes eventually Abeloth trespassed where she should not have, dealing with things she could not understand and became the immortal force entity known as Abeloth and ended up imprisoned by her once loving family. Over the millenia, Abeloth stewed in her misery alone, locked away until war spread in the galaxy. While Abeloth is a villain and has caused so much suffering in the galaxy, I think she is misunderstood by many. Before her evil conquests, she merely wished for love and company and has been abandoned so many times by people whom she thought loved her. In the Fate of the Jedi novels, Abeloth’s force presence is described as lonely and needy, through the books, we understand that she doesn’t want to be alone and she wants someone to think she’s beautiful. For an immortal, very Lovecraftian entity, she is incredibly human and relatable. Many of our goals in real life are to find companionship and to find people who love you regardless of flaws. This is a fantastic instance of the Expanded Universe having amazingly complex and sometimes even relatable villains and not the generic type of villains we have seen in much of the new era Star Wars content. To round this off, I highly encourage everyone to read the Fate of the Jedi book series and introduce yourself to Abeloth and experience the fantastic story those books tell.

  • One Day on Hoth

    The planet Hoth was said to have gotten as cold as -375 degrees at night. That's colder than the planet Uranus and almost as cold as Pluto. I don't know about you, but that is NOT my ideal place for a vacation, let alone visit. Yet in my imagination as a kid (and even today at times) I've been there in my mind. When you're little you like to imagine things. We pretend we're different people, in different places, taking the real world and adding a creative spin to it that only children can do so well. Growing up, a walk in the woods typically ended up with me taking on Imperial troopers as an Ewok, or riding a stick, pretending it was a speeder bike. Every once in a while did I pretend to be on Tattooine while walking to and from the beach. The exhaustive journey back and forth as the sun beat down upon you wasn't hard to imagine you being lost in the dessert, trying to find you're way home before sand people captured you. But there was one other place I went to (in my mind) as a kid and it was only during the winter...Hoth. The frozen planet introduced to us in Empire Strikes Back showed nothing but heaps of snow that chilled everyone in the theaters to the bone. It rarely snows here in the south but when it's bone cold I STILL sometimes imagine me living on Hoth. As a kid, when playing outside during Christmas break, this was a likely scenario my friends and I played out. As an adult, whenever I stubbornly force myself on long walks for exercise, I slip into imagining I'm on that frozen planet once again. I can't help it. I know I have little to complain about living down south. People north of me or in other countries see MUCH colder weather than me, but it doesn't mean I can't dream too. So my question today is this: Did you (and do you still) imagine yourself on these planets during specific seasons, or areas you visit? And if so, have you ever imagined how warm it was inside a tauntaun? Because EVERY time I went camping with my friends over the holiday in the woods I ALWAYS thought about that!!! And if I'd have seen a gutted one near me, I would've climbed on in. I don't care how bad they smell!

  • Why there will ALWAYS be Drama in the Fandom

    "Why can't we be all just get along?" This question has been said more than once within the fandom in the past and will be said hundreds of times in the years to come. The answer? We're humans, therefore there will ALWAYS be drama. You can't help it. So-and-so hates what's-his-face because he said something that so-and-so doesn't agree with. Mr Fancy Pants attacked newbie fan about the EU and it blew up over social media, so now we all have to pick teams like a school yard game of "red rover" and debate about who was wrong or right for the next 4 months to come. In retrospect, most of these skirmished within the fandom are petty, while ALL of them will be forgotten over time in the long run so it doesn't matter in the first place. I remember my first "drama" within the fandom. It was with Brian from the Tosche Station podcast. He had an encounter with an annoying fan at Dragon Con. I had also spoken to this guy before and I'm pretty sure he wasn't all there in the head. Brian had an awful experience dealing with him (I concur) but went forward labeling all EU fans under his personality. He started attacking those fans and taking shots at the EU in general. At the time I was still doing my "Defending the EU" series of posts and someone asked me to address his comments, so I reading back an incredible article Brian had written about the EU fandom only a year earlier. By turning his own words against him I found myself front and center of my first "fan drama" Slander, lies and death threats were made against me. Brian believed that I was coming to Dragon Con that next year to (get this) fight him. Me. Fight. Him. I wasn't even going to Dragon Con and I certainly wouldn't go there to fight someone I didn't know. But that's what he thought, I can only guess one of his fans was trying to stir the drama pot and start that rumor. Screen shots of his Twitter account were constantly sent to me on whenever my name was mentioned. I don't have social media for EXACTLY this reason. I frankly don't care about what is said on social media. Bit a few posts from Brian's followers caught my attention, they were actual threats against my life. Two people informed Brian they found out where I lived. City and State. And told Brian, if he wanted them to, they would come down to Louisiana and "teach me a lesson for good" My first response to this was laughter. Then after thinking about it....more laughter. The next day I felt differently.....and made a video showing the posts and laughing at the whole thing. I provided my full name and address online and even invited my attackers to eat jambalaya with me at my mom's house (it is SO good!) then a trip to my sister's bakery, where I would have them try some amazing desserts and afterwards they could "teach me that lesson" It was one of the best videos I made. My wife made me take it down the next day. She didn't find it funny at all. Eventually, Brian got tired of obsessing over a guy who didn't have social media to respond nor was making any more videos about him, and moved on. Such was my first experience with Fan Drama. It wasn't my worst, nor my last. In the years since I've been involved with plenty. But in the end guess what? It never mattered. It never does. Life moves on and so do we. So what's the lesson here? Whatever drama is going on with the fandom, know that it too will pass and mean absolutely nothing in the years to come. To be honest, if I ever went to Dragon Con again and ran into Brian, I'd buy him lunch, talk about things we have in common and wish him a happy life. Because "fan drama" isn't about who's right and who's wrong, it's about how quickly we can move on with life thereafter. MTFBWYA

  • My time at Legends Con: A Retrospective

    By Marcel Ryan On September 9 and 10, 2023, a fan-run convention focused on a celebration of the Star Wars Expanded Universe was held in Burbank, California. Despite living closer to the East Coast, I found myself on the West Coast around that time for a wedding and so decided to make a trip of it. I knew a few other friends who planned on going and I was looking forward to meeting up with them. LegendsCon was held at the Burbank Marriott Convention Center, a mere walking distance from the Burbank Airport. It boasted an impressive line-up of EU authors and creatives, including Matthew Stover, Michael Stackpole, Barbara Hambly, Sean Stewart, Randy Stradley, Corinna Bechko, Abel G. Peña, Jason Fry, Shea Standefer, Joe Bongiorno, Henry Gilroy, Michael Kogge, Mike Hansen and Craig Miller. Reflecting back on 2023, LegendsCon stands out as a clear highlight. I had an amazing time overall. While there were some things I would do differently (see my next article in this series for more on that), I thought that the convention was a success. In the days following the con, I went on several YouTube channels to talk about my experience there, including Matt Wilkins’ “A More Civilized Age” podcast, as well as Stupid Chainsaw Productions’ Legends podcast. I had always intended to do a video on my own channel to talk about my time at the con, but the opportunity never materialized. So, I finally decided to put pen to paper and hammer out some of my recollections on how the two days went. The most meaningful experience for me was being able to meet fellow Expanded Universe fans. Some of the people who attended are people I’ve known for a couple years but have never had the opportunity to meet in person. Others were people I met for the first time and subsequently befriended. It was a bit surreal to be surrounded by people who were just as passionate as I was about this part of Star Wars fandom. Case in point: on the Friday night before the first day of the convention, several of us hung out in the Marriott courtyard for a staggering six hours (maybe more), chatting about the EU, our hopes for the con and anything else that came to mind. Time flies when you’re having fun. LegendsCon was a small convention. I estimated about 400-500 attendees in total. This turned out to be a major advantage when it came to engaging with the special guests. I have been to several larger conventions where fans barely have more than 30 seconds to a minute with special guests, due to the sheer number of individuals who are lined up to meet them. At LegendsCon, I never felt rushed when talking with any of the authors at their signing table. I even had the opportunity to talk with a few of them randomly on the convention floor as they walked around and engaged with the fans. Every single guest that was invited to the convention was incredibly nice and generous with their time. I did not have a bad experience with a single individual. They were as delighted to see the fans as the fans were to see them. While I had the opportunity to speak with every guest that attended throughout the two days (a first for me in any convention setting), a few guests in particular made a significant impression on me and I wanted to briefly highlight them for posterity’s sake. -        Matthew Stover: After the convention concluded on Sunday, Mr. Stover stuck around an additional hour to talk to some of us about his life and his work. He has a very earnest manner and instantly makes one feel as though they are welcome and respected. It’s no wonder his writing is so good. This is a person who fundamentally understands people and the hardships that life throws at us on a daily basis. -        Abel Peña: In addition to being a huge fan of Waru (and therefore possessing taste far beyond your average mere mortal), Mr. Peña’s knowledge of the lore is extensive. You can bring up an obscure reference in his presence and chances are he knows exactly what you are talking about. I would also be remiss if I didn’t bring up the unmistakable coolness factor he possesses. -        Sean Stewart: Mr. Stewart is a literary titan that does not get enough credit for it. Yoda: Dark Rendezvous is one of the best written novels in the EU. As I discovered shortly before the con, it turns out his non-Star Wars work is just as good. I could go on about his insightful remarks or his great sense of humor, but what made the biggest impression on me was his humility. I truly appreciated the time he took to engage with fans, myself included, on a very human level. -        Joe Bongiorno: Mr. Bongiorno is pure magic. From the captivating way he talks about Star Wars and space opera more generally to the way he makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the room, I cannot say enough good things about him. I will never forget our conversation about the importance of preserving lost works. Suffice it to say that I could legitimately write something about each and every one of the guests, but I wanted to keep this article to a respectable length and so I had to focus on the experiences that resonated the most with me on a personal level. I never grow tired of hearing from the other attendees on what their experiences with the guests were like. And, if I can at all drive home how positive the experience was for us fans, I can faithfully report that I have not heard of a single negative interaction at all in the months since the con. When I wasn’t hanging out with friends or getting my books signed, much of time at the convention was spent running from panel to panel. And, oh my word, there were a lot of panels. On one of the days leading up to the con, I recall planning out with my friends Brennan and Alex what panels we wanted to attend. It was simply not humanly possible for us to attend all of them, but we managed to cover a lot of ground between the three of us. For the most part, the panels that I attended were well-moderated and insightful. Some of the ones that stand out in my memory are Sean Stewart’s panel, the Supernatural Encounters panel, the NJO panel (the room was packed!), the Space Opera panel, and the Authors Geeking Out panel. These constitute a mere sampling of the panels I attended over the course of the two days. You may be able to find clips from some of them on YouTube if you look hard enough. Again, unlike some of the larger cons I have attended, there was a greater opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A sessions following each panel. The other highlight of the convention was the focus on Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon, a 1,000+ page tome written by Joe Bongiorno that focuses on the supernatural origins of the Star Wars universe and asks three fundamental questions: who we are, where we come from and where we’re going. It’s available for free in PDF and EPUB format on Physical copies were featured at the convention, in both paperback and hardback. Two of the editors on this project, Kyle and Patrick, were also in attendance at the con as part of the team of organizers and the two owners of the Legends Consortium LLC. Some of you may know that I’ve been covering Supernatural Encounters in the form of a book club on my YouTube channel over the past several months. When I first gazed upon its intimidating form, I never dreamed I would be able to comprehend such eldritch knowledge and still retain my sanity. And yet, here I am, two thirds into the book with my sanity still (mostly) intact (I think). Regardless of your stance on its canonicity, I recommend checking out the PDF online if you have not already done so. In addition to the wonderful prose, extensive lore and meticulous research featured in the form of comprehensive endnotes, it boasts impressive artwork from Chris Cold and Guillaume Ducos that does not get nearly enough spotlight and praise. After the two days were finished, it was very difficult to say goodbye to my friends. We all live pretty far away from one another and there’s no way of knowing when we’ll see each other again – hopefully LegendsCon II? While I managed to successfully lug all my signed books and comics back across the continent, I also came back with a restored sense of appreciation for the EU fandom. Regardless of our takes on any particular work, we are all united in our appreciation of this sandbox first created by George Lucas – the very stuff that dreams are made of. On a parting note, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the organizers, the volunteers, the guests, the vendors and my fellow fans, all of whom came together to make this an unforgettable experience. Hope to see you at the next one!

  • An Empire of Remnants

    After the destruction of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, the Empire split up into various remnants that erupted into civil war. Each of these factions were led by warlords that all competed to be the true successor to Palpatine. This series of articles will be detailing each group, their leaders, history, and ultimate fate. 1. The True Galactic Empire (4 ABY-11 ABY) For this first part, I would like to go through what I am calling the “true” Galactic Empire, starting with Sate Pestage all the way to Natasi Daala. There were many Imperial splinter groups, but there was a centralized faction on Coruscant (eventually on Byss and other worlds) that was considered the true continuation of the Empire. In other words, this first section is detailing the entire history of the Empire after the Battle of Endor. This faction eventually evolved into the United Warlords Fleet and the Imperial Remnant, which are considered the true successor state to the Galactic Empire after the Imperial reunification. You could call them all the same faction, but I am splitting them up because, after Jax’s defeat, there really was no longer centralized authority after Palpatine until the Imperial reunification by Pellaeon and Daala. Up until Carnor Jax, there was a clear leader of the Empire. After that, until Pellaeon and Daala, there wasn’t. This is the longest section out of all of them, so that is why I am putting it on its own post. I was also considering putting the Dark Empire and Crimson Empire as separate factions, but the Dark Empire is a restored Galactic Empire, while the Crimson Empire is the remnants of it led by Jax, so I went ahead and considered them a part of the “true” Galactic Empire. Also, I did use Wookieepedia for a lot of this information, just to make sure the details were precise, so if something is wrong, blame them. - Sate Pestage (4 ABY): Sate Pestage was the highest ranking Imperial advisor and considered the right hand man of Palpatine. After Palpatine’s death, he assumed control of Coruscant and Imperial controlled worlds as the Interim-Emperor. However, the other Imperial advisors turned on him, along with Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard, after he attempted to make a deal with the New Republic in exchange for immunity and planetary holdings. However, it was also said that Pestage escaped to Byss and was killed there. It is believed that one of these individuals was a clone. - Ysanne Isard (4 ABY-7 ABY, 9 ABY (reemergence)): Ysanne Isard was the Director of Imperial Intelligence during the Galactic Civil War. After Palpatine’s death, she served Sate Pestage as an advisor before overthrowing him. She was the presumed leader of the Empire after his death, and she controlled all of Coruscant’s forces. As the New Republic edged closer to Coruscant, she developed the Krytos virus to kill all aliens within the Republic fleet, but she failed, and she escaped Coruscant in her Executor-class Star Destroyer, the Lusankya. She went to Thyferra and supported a political coup, but Rogue Squadron defeated her on the planet. She was presumed dead, and the Lusankya was captured by Rogue Squadron. She survived, and hid during the Thrawn campaign. She would eventually be contacted by the Reborn Emperor, and she pledged to return the Lusankya back to the Emperor. She failed, and she was shot dead by Iella Wessiri. - Grand Admiral Thrawn (9 ABY): Thrawn was the only non-human Grand Admiral within the Imperial Fleet. Because of his xenophobia, Palpatine had sent him to the Unknown Regions, but Thrawn used that opportunity to build his own personal empire. After Palpatine’s death, Thrawn returned to the galaxy to unite the shattered Imperial forces. He managed to be the only Imperial warlord to do this. His massive military campaign was nearly successful, but he would be killed by his own Noghri bodyguard Rukh, after Leia Organa Solo uncovered a conspiracy about Thrawn and the Noghri people. Thrawn’s success was largely due to the support from the Imperial Ruling Council on Orinda, Ardus Kaine of the Pentastar Alignment, and Delak Krennel of the Ciutric Hegemony. Captain Gilad Pellaeon was his second-in-command, who was the officer responsible for leading the Empire’s Death Squadron (the fleet of Star Destroyers at the Battle of Endor) to safety after the destruction of the second Death Star. - The Dark Empire (10 ABY-11 ABY): Shortly after Palpatine’s demise aboard the Second Death Star, his spirit entered the body of an Emperor’s Hand named Jeng Droga on the Deep Core world of Byss until he could fully possess the body of a clone of himself. He began to build a restored version of the Galactic Empire, which he called the Dark Empire. This Empire was more heavily focused on using the dark side of the Force, with Palpatine intending to eventually rule the Empire exclusively using the dark side. Palpatine would reveal himself in 10 ABY. Palpatine would recapture Coruscant, and would launch an attack on Mon Calamari, a key shipyard for the New Republic, using powerful superweapons known as World Devastators, which could destroy entire worlds by using its tractor beams to pull the world apart, and the planet’s resources would be collected by the Devastators to be used for the Empire’s benefit. During this time, Luke Skywalker feigned an alliance with Sidious, and he leaked the override codes to the superweapons, and Luke and his twin sister Leia Organa defeated Sidious by using Sidious’ own Force storm against him, destroying him and the Eclipse, a dreadnought that could destroy an entire fleets with its axial laser. Palpatine would later return in another clone body. Palpatine’s brush with death caused him to go insane, and he launched the Galaxy Gun on the galaxy, yet another superweapon, and managed to destroy many Imperial warlords that opposed him and caused the New Republic to scatter. However, Carnor Jax, an Imperial Royal Guard, was disturbed by Palpatine’s behavior, and he tampered with Palpatine’s clone DNA that made his dark side presence cause them to deteriorate even further. Palpatine was finally destroyed on Onderon, and Byss was destroyed, causing the Empire to fracture again. Carnor Jax would succeed him. - The Crimson Empire (11 ABY)- After Carnor Jax successfully sabotaged the Reborn Emperor, he would take over as Emperor of Palpatine’s Dark Empire, or at least what was left of it. Many Imperials did not acknowledge Jax as the Emperor, but Jax’s rule represented the last vestige of the Imperial state created by Palpatine. Jax did not rule for long, as he was assassinated by Kir Kanos, his rival Guardsman, and Burr Nolyds would assume his position, but he would be killed by the Yuuzhan Vong spy Nom Anor, who then installed Xandel Carvius, who would also be killed by Kir Kanos when the New Republic successfully captured Ord Cantrell. For a year, the Empire would return to a power vacuum, with many warlords warring with each other for power. - Admiral Natasi Daala (11 ABY-12 ABY): Admiral Natasi Daala was the first woman to become an Admiral in the Imperial Navy. Despite this, she did not have much of a role during the Galactic Civil War because she had been assigned to oversee the construction of superweapons in the Maw Cluster at the Maw Installation. There, she oversaw the development and construction of the Death Star and the Sun Crusher. Upon her accidental discovery in 11 ABY, she had finished the Sun Crusher, a starfighter-sized superweapon capable of wiping out entire star systems. During her exile, however, she had no idea that the Emperor and her lover Wilhuff Tarkin were dead. When she discovered this, she started a campaign with the Sun Crusher and her handful of Star Destroyers against the New Republic, which failed. After this, she allied herself with Vice Admiral Pellaeon (who served various warlords after Thrawn’s death) and killed all of the major Imperial warlords by uniting them at Tsoss Beacon, including Blitzer Harrsk of Zero Command, Sander Delvardus of the Eriadu Authority, Treuten Teradoc of the Greater Maldrood and the Federated Teradoc Union, and Malfkla Yzu of the 15th Deep Core Reserve Fleet. She then united all of these fleets into the United Warlords Fleet, therefore starting a new era of Imperial reunification.

  • A Tale of 2 Cons (Part II)

    Welcome back! Today I'm giving my opinion as to why the old board will fail in their illegal attempt to continue their own version of "Legends Con" They are completely out of touch with their target audience There were very few complaints as far as the first Legends Con went but the one I heard the most from attendees was that some of the people conducting the panels appeared lost when discussing Star Wars with the authors. While planning the first Legends Con little effort was made to reach out to the most influent people in the fandom to help promote it. I say this with the most respect possible but not many on the board knew much about the Expanded Universe and what it has meant to fans for years. If they intend on holding another convention, I feel their in for a rude awakening when they discover just how far out of touch they are with the fandom. 2. Their organization skills were a mess I've been very vocal in the past about this, but I think someone could learn how NOT to plan a convention by watching how this one was put together. A) Guests not being mentioned until only a few months out from the date. B) A location without a major airport which led to expensive costs and inconvenient travel mobility. C) A VIP event which (according to reports) wasn't well organized and was not worth the high dollar cost. D) Fan events and panels that had zero interest among the fandom. E) Long stretches of time without any updates. For example, while interviewing them in March they couldn't tell me for sure when they would open up applications for Fan panels and vendors....only 5 months away from the event! 3. They are in this to pad their own resumes Yes, I may be hitting below the belt on this one but I do believe this is the case. While I didn't get to speak to everyone from the old board, the ones I did talk to showed no heart when it came to the expanded universe. I was even afraid the con would fall apart before it happened, but they pulled it off and my hats off to them. But I wasn't convinced they cared that much about the fans. Now let me stop there and say the point #3 is purely opinionated but it is a reason I do not think their version of a convention will happen. And if it does (I give the chances at 50/50) then I surely don't think it will be as successful as the last, simply for the reasons I stated above. On the other hand, I have complete confidence in the new board running things and think everyone will see vast improvements than before. MTFBWY

  • A tale of 2 Cons (Part I)

    Last month it was announced that there would be a 2nd Legend's Con in March of 2025. The news has widely been accepted with excitement as fans wonder what's in store for next years convention and I'll say'll be twice a better than the last. The main reason? This con has a NEW board headed by Kyle Rawlings, who funded the Legends Con back in 2023. It has solid representation from the EU fandom who know exactly what the fans are looking for in next years convention. This is This is also a team which knows what it's doing. With Joe Bongiorno serving as the Executive Networking advisor, rest assured the guest line up for this year's con will be out of this world! Joe has an excellent reputation within the business and it comes without saying that he will not disappoint fans once the guest list starts releasing. Marcel Ryan as Director of Fan Relations is probably one of the best picks they could've made for the role. For years Marcel's YouTube channel has soared in popularity due to his amazing content and audio dramas, which he records himself. Hands down one of the best EU channels out there. Marcel understands what fans want and will make it his top priority to make sure the experience is far and above anything you experienced from the first convention. I admit to not being familiar with anyone else involved with the convention but looking at who's on the board already, I can only assume the best. I myself plan to be in attendance this time around and am more excited about it now than I was for the first convention! Plan to see more articles and live streams about it in 2024. BUT, if you keep up with social media drama, the old board is under the impression that they own the "Legends Con" and will be making plans to schedule the next one soon. Believe me folks, they have no legal claim to the name or rights to the convention. And even if they did, mark my words folks. They. Will. Fail. Those reasons I'll save for Part II tomorrow. MTFBWY

  • Touring the Galaxy: Taldot Sector

    Balamak System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Balamak Discovered as early as 20,000 BBY, Balamak was a major agriworld in the region, fought over by various galactic governments throughout history. Primarily held by the Galactic Republic, Balamak was held by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, eventually coming under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. Charros System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Charros IV Homeworld of the Xi Charrian insectoid species, Charros IV was an arid world of desert plateaus, snowcapped mountain ranges, and dark seas. A minor Republic factory world for most of galactic history, Charros IV repurposed its industry for the Separatist war effort during the Clone Wars. The planet initially came under Imperial rule during the Galactic Civil War, but eventually joined the New Republic, remaining in the New Republic until it was occupied by Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. Masposhani System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Masposhani Masposhani was a remote world rumored to hold a Jedi training facility prior to the Clone Wars. Nauton System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Nauton IV Nauton IV was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic. Persavi System (Q-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Persavi Considered part of the Kashyyyk Region, Persavi was a remote Republic world that seceded and joined the CIS during the Clone Wars. Rathalay System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Rathalay A remote planet, Rathalay was primarily an oceanic world with few island archipelagos dotting the surface. During the Galactic Civil War, the planet became a member of the New Republic. Rearqu System (P-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Rearqu Rearqu was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Taldot System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Stronghold A stormy, temperate world of mountain ranges and barely habitable flatlands, Stronghold was a remote world used as a haven for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Thanos System (P-9) ·        Sun/Star: Thanos ·        Orbits: o   Togoria §  two unnamed moons/satellites o   Thanos Home of the humanoid Togorian feline species, Togoria was a minor planet in the region, consisting of dense forests, rolling hills, and fertile plains. For most of galactic history, the planet remained neutral and extremely isolationist. At some point, the Togorians joined the Galactic Republic, but remained reserved diplomatically. During the Clone Wars, Togoria seceded and joined the CIS, remaining a Separatist world until the Galactic Civil War when it initially joined the Rebel Alliance; however, by 4 ABY, Togoria became an Imperial fortress world. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet was conquered by the extragalactic species and enslaved. Following the war, the planet returned to neutrality. Less isolationist, Thanos was a Republic world, experiencing a similar shift in galactic allegiance. The planet came under Separatist control during the Clone Wars, as well as Imperial control during the subsequent Galactic Civil War, housing an orbital shipyard facility that produced Star Destroyers. Thanos was captured by the New Republic in 8 ABY, but during the Yuuzhan Vong War, it was subjugated by Vong forces. Following the war, the planet remained neutral.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Halla Sector

    Ardroxia System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ardroxia Ardroxia was a remote system considered part of the Kashyyyk Region. The system saw little galactic traffic. Boz Pity System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: Cama Coll ·        Orbits: o   Bruss o   Boz Pity & Mourn o   Pine o   Nyss o   Kith asteroid belt Only the planets Boz Pity and Mourn were habitable planets, with Bruss, Pine, and Nyss being volcanic, barren, and frozen worlds respectively. Locked into a synchronous orbit with Boz Pity, Mourn had ties with the Hutt Cartels early in its history. Originally the homeworld of the Gargantelle species before they were exterminated around 10,900 BBY by the Hutts for resisting enslavement. The planet was a minor world situated along two regional hyperlane routes, teeming with life in the swamplands, marshy plains, jungle-covered mountain ranges, and deserts that draped the planet. Following the genocide of the Gargantelle, the planet remained isolated from galactic interest until the Clone Wars, when the Separatists occupied the planet as a major fortress in the region. Towards the end of the war, the Republic momentarily held the planet, but withdrew when their governance was replaced by the Galactic Empire. In 0 ABY, the Rebel Alliance briefly  established a base on the planet but were driven from the world by Imperial forces during the Galactic Civil War. Boz Pity remained an Imperial outpost until the Yuuzhan Vong War when the planet was overrun by the extragalactic species. Afterward, the planet returned to isolation in galactic affairs. Cejansij System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Cejansij Homeworld of a species by the same name, Cejansij was a Republic world until the aftermath of the Clone Wars, when it came under Imperial rule, eventually joining the New Republic later in the Galactic Civil War. Celen System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Celen Celen was a remote world that came under nominal Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War. Colavas System (S-9) ·        Sun/Star: Colavas ·        Orbits: o   The Belk (asteroid field) o   Danuta §  one unnamed moon/satellite o   Colavas §  16 unnamed moons/satellites o   Colavas Minor §  8 unnamed moons/satellites o   Colavas Tertiary §  9 unnamed moons/satellites o   Sajun §  one unnamed moon/satellite A drab world of stretches of badlands, plains, and hills, Danuta was originally settled by Hutts, but by the time of the Galactic Civil War, the planet had been repurposed by the Empire for mining and agriculture. The planet housed an Imperial military installation, but eventually abandoned the base after a Rebel strike. Later in the war, Danuta joined the New Republic. The remaining planets in the system were uninhabited, with the three Colavas planets being gas giants and Sajun being a frozen, barren world. Hathrox System (R-10) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Hathrox III A remote planet urbanized during the era of the New Sith Wars, Hathrox III was a neutral world that underwent a devastating civil war in 1,196 BBY, resulting in the complete eradication of its population by biochemical weapons. Centuries later, during the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic quarantined the planet after it was discovered the atmosphere was still extremely hazardous to life. Nativum System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Nativum Nativum was a remote planet that came under Republic jurisdiction during the Clone Wars. Omiddelon System (S-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Omiddelon III A remote world, Omiddelon III’s unique orbital and rotational orbits made its environment nearly unsuitable for life, having blistering summers, frigid winters, and short, mild fall and spring seasons. Ord Thabl System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ord Thabl Ord Thabl was a Republic ordinance depot dating back to at least 12,000 BBY during the Third Pius Dea Crusade with the Hutt Cartels. The planet remained a minor Republic outpost through the Clone Wars. Peg Shar System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Peg Shar I Situated along a regional hyperlane route, Peg Shar I was a minor, industrialized planet that was a member of the Republic in its waning centuries. Saffa System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Saffa Homeworld of a sentient species by the same name, Saffa was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic. Saari Ha System (R-9) ·        Sun/Star: Saari Ha ·        Orbits: o   Bimmisaari Homeworld of the furred Bimm humanoid species, and sector capital, Bimmisaari was a lush world of dense forests and jungles, fertile plains, and sprawling urban centers. Discovered by Republic scouts as early as 20,000 BBY, the planet didn’t petition to join the Galactic Republic until the onset of the New Sith Wars, circa 2,000 BBY. Bimmisaari was temporarily occupied by Separatist forces during the Clone Wars but was eventually incorporated into the restructured Galactic Empire following the war. Crafting ties with Jedi & Republic refugees, and the nearby Hutts, Bimmisaari later petitioned to join the New Republic towards the end of the Galactic Civil War. They system was momentarily occupied by Yuuzhan Vong forces during their invasion of the galaxy, but the Bimms eventually rejoined the Galactic Alliance; however, Bimmisaari seceded during the Second Galactic Civil War, joining the Corellian Confederation, upon hearing about the Galactic Alliance attack on Kashyyyk. Vadooria System (S-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Vadooria Vadooria was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Xoman System (S-9) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Xoman III Xoman III was a remote world under the sway of pirate groups, thus remaining neutral in galactic affairs. Pusat Station (R-8) Pusat Station was a space station in the Bortele Cluster that acted as a waypoint along a regional hyperlane route.

  • Touring the Galaxy: Bortele Sector

    Bontormia System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Bontormia Bontormia was a remote system that saw little galactic traffic. Dithaune System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Dithaune Dithaune was a remote world that saw little galactic traffic. Hurd’s Moon System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Hurd’s Moon Hurd’s Moon was a remote desert world that joined the New Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Hypotria System (S-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Hypotria Hypotria was a remote world that housed a Rebel Alliance base during the Galactic Civil War. Ingo System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ingo §  Auren §  Drarn §  Gravaj §  Meragon §  Por Raton §  Terig o   15 unnamed planets The second orbit in the system, Ingo was a minor planet in the region landscaped with frozen polar regions, arid deserts, and lush forests. The planet joined the Galactic Republic at some point prior to the Clone Wars but came under Imperial jurisdiction during the Galactic Civil War. A criminal family held significant influence on Ingo, also owned a mining operation on the moon Auren, while a competing mining corporation held rights to operations on the Moons Drarn and Terig. Kalkovak System (S-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Kalkovak A desert world littered with tropical oases, Kalkovak was a minor world situated along a regional hyperlane route that connected the region to the Outer Rim territories. Resilon System (S-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Resilon Resilon was a remote terrestrial world with a small mineral mining operation. Ultaar System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Ultaar Homeworld of the four-armed, bipedal Ultaarian Greenback bovine species, Ultaar was a remote jungle world that initially held a Rebel base until the planet was conquered by Imperial forces during the Galactic Civil War. Zchtek System (R-8) ·        Sun/Star: unnamed ·        Orbits: o   Zchtek worlds Home of the reptilian Jin species, the Zchtek worlds were in a remote system that was subjugated by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Later, Imperial forces committed genocide. Bortele Cluster (R-8) A star cluster of developing systems, the only fully developed system in the cluster was the Ingo System.

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